Wolfgang Krull
Gesammelte Abhandlungen / CollectedPapers

Editor: Paulo Ribenboim

1999. 24 x 17 cm. 2 Volumes. XIV, VIII, 1,729 pages.
ISBN 3-11-012771-7

Wolfgang Krull (1899-1971) ? continuing the tradition of Felix Klein and Emmy Noether - is world famous for his contributions to the area
of mathematics now known as abstract commutative algebra.

With a few exceptions, these two volumes contain all papers of Krull published in mathematical periodicals.

Volume 1 covers the period from 1921 to 1938, beginning with Krull's 1921 Freiburg dissertation and ending with the 1938 landmark
paper published in Crelle, in which he initiated the theory of local rings.

Volume 2 contains the papers published between 1939 and 1973.

This edition demonstrates the breadth and depth of Krull's mathematical work and his lasting influence. Also included are essays by P.
Ribenboim, H. Sch?neborn, H.-J. Nastold and J. Neukirch setting Krull's work in perspective.

Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications

Athanasopoulos; Ioannis
Rodrigues; Jose Francisco
Makrakis; George


Free boundary problems arise in an enormous number of situations in nature and technology. They hold a strategic position in pure and applied sciences and thus have been the focus of considerable research over the last three decades. Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications presents the work and results of experts at the forefront of current research in mathematics, material sciences, chemical engineering, biology, and physics. It contains the plenary lectures and contributed papers of the 1997 International Interdisciplinary Congress proceedings held in Crete.

The main topics addressed include free boundary problems in fluid and solid mechanics, combustion, the theory of filtration, and glaciology. Contributors also discuss material science modeling,recent mathematical developments, and numerical analysis advances within their presentations of more specific topics, such as singularities of interfaces, cusp cavitation and fracture, capillary fluiddynamics of film coating, dynamics of surface growth, phase transition kinetics, and phase field models. With the implications of free boundary problems so far reaching, it becomes important for researchers from all of these fields to stay abreast of new developments. Free Boundary Problems: Theory
and Applications provides the opportunity to do just that, presenting recent advances from more than 50 researchers at the frontiers of science, mathematics, and technology.

Researchers and graduate students working in:
partial differential equations and their applications
numerical analysis
computational mathematics

Plenary Lectures
A Study of Free Boundary Problems of Fluid Flow in Porous Media by Mixed Methods, L. Badea, R.E. Ewing, and J. Wang
Labyrinthine Pattern Formation in Magnetic Liquids, A. Cebers, and I. Drikis Some Two-Scale Processes Involving Parabolic Equations,
A. Fasano Level Set Methods with an Application to Modeling the Growth of Thin Films, B. Merriman, R. Caflisch, and S. Osher
Free Boundary Problems Arising in Ecological Systems, M. Mimura Overview of Dynamical Simulations of the Flow of Suspensions of Liquid Capsules and Drops, C. Pozrikidis Meniscus Roll Coating: Steady Flows and Instabilities, M. Savage Mathematical Developments of Free
Boundary Problems Instabilities, Bifurcations, and Saddle Points in some FBP's in Combustion, C.M. Brauner, J. Julshof, A. Lunardi, and C. Schmidt-Laine Regularity of Solutions and Interfaces to Degenerate Parabolic Equations: The Intersection Comparison Method,
V.A. Galaktionov, S. Shmarev, and J.L. Vazquez Blow Up of Interfaces for an Inhomogeneous Aquifer, M. Guedda, D. Hilhorst, and M.A. Peletier
An Exponential Transform and Regularity of Free Boundaries in Two Dimensions, B. Gustaffson Well-Posedness for a Phase-Field Model with Constraint, N. Kenmochi and M. Kubo On a Structure Theorem for some Free Boundary Problems for the Heat Equation, M.K. Korten
Limit, Pointwise, Viscosity, and Classical Solutions to a Free Boundary Problem in Combustion, C. Lederman and M. Wolanski
Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics Hysteresis Behavior of a Pointed Drop in Taylor's Four-Roller Mill, L. Antanovskii and R.l. Grimshaw
Mathematical Foundation of Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Dynamics: A Physicist View, K.H. Hutter A Free Moving Boundary Problem for the Till Layer Below Large Ice Sheets, F. dell'Isola and K. Hutter New Ideas about Flow Induced Cavitation of Liquids, D.D. Joseph Topological Transitions in Liquid/Liquid Surfaces, J. Lowengrub, J. Goodman, H. Lee, I.K. Longmire, M.H. Shelley, and L. Truskinosky On the Mathematical Analysis of a Valley Glacier Model, J.F Rodrigues and J.M. Urbano On the Bernoulli Free Boundary Problem with Surface Tension, A. Wagner
Phase Change in Material Science Alloy Solidification with Convection in the Melt, V. Alexiades Implications of Non-Monotonic Curvature-Dependence in the Propagation Speed of an Interface, J.W. Dold Asymptotic Analysis of a Phase-Filed Model with Memory, M. Grasselli Models of Nucleation and Growth, A. Visintin Computational Methods and Numerical Analysis New Results in Numerical Conservation Laws, B. Cocburn, P.-A. Gremaud, and X. Yang On a Degenerate System in Glaciology Giving Rise to a Free Boundary, J.I. Diaz and E. Schiavi
Singular Finite Element solutions of the Axisymmetric Extrudate-Swell Problem, G. Georgiou and A.G. Boudouvis A Phase-Field System with Space-Dependent Relaxation Coefficient, O. Klein Monotone Iterations for Elliptic Variational Inequalities, R. Kornhuber Adaptive Solution of Parabolic Free Boundary Problems with Error Control, R.H. Nochett, A. Scmidt, and C. Verdi

+ Presents works at the forefront of research and technology
+ Covers free boundary problems from a wide range of fields, including fluid and solid mechanics, material science, and numerical analysis
+ Includes applications such as combustion, glaciology, thin film growth, and phase changes
+ Offers contributions from more than 50 top researchers from around the world

Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications
Catalog Number: LM2067, ISBN: 158488018X
Publication Date: 06/25/99


Reliability Modelling: A Statistical Approach

Wolstenholme; Linda C.


Reliability is an essential concept in mathematics, computing, research, and all disciplines of engineering, and reliability as a characteristic is,
in fact, a probability. Therefore, in this book, the author uses the statistical approach to reliability modelling along with the MINITAB software package to provide a comprehensive treatment of modelling, from the basics through advanced modelling techniques.
The book begins by presenting a thorough grounding in the elements of modelling the lifetime of a single, non-repairable unit. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, the author includes a guide to all the fundamentals of probability theory, defines the various measures associated with reliability, then describes and discusses the more common lifetime models: the exponential, Weibull, normal, lognormal and gamma distributions. She concludes the groundwork by looking at ways of choosing and fitting the most appropriate model to a given data set, paying particular attention to two critical points: the effect of censored data and estimating lifetimes in the tail of the distribution. The focus then shifts to topics somewhat more difficult:

+ the difference in the analysis of lifetimes for repairable versus non-repairable systems and whether repair truly "renews" the system
+ methods for dealing with system with reliability characteristic specified for more than one component or subsystem
+ the effect of different types of maintenance strategies
+ the analysis of life test data
The final chapter provides snapshot introductions to a range of advanced models and presents two case studies that illustrate various ideas from throughout the book.


Graduate Students and researchers in
Engineers from al disciplines who have a practical interest in reliability

Reliability Modelling: A Statistical Approach
Catalog Number: C0373, ISBN: 1584880147
Publication Date: 06/24/99

Principles of Mathematical Logic

D. Hilbert and W. Ackermann


David Hilbert was particularly interested in the foundations of mathematics. Among many other things, he is famous for his attempt to
axiomatize mathematics. This now classic text is his treatment of symbolic logic. It lays the groundwork for his later work with Bernays.

This translation is based on the second German edition, and has been modified according to the criticisms of Church and Quine. In particular,
the authors' original formulation of G?del's completeness proof for the predicate calculus has been updated.

In the first half of the twentieth century, an important debate on the foundations of mathematics took place. Principles of Mathematical
Logic represents one of Hilbert's important contributions to that debate. Although symbolic logic has grown considerably in the subsequent decades, this book remains a classic.


The sentential calculus
The calculus of classes (monadic predicate calculus)
The restricted predicate calculus
The extended predicate calculus
Editor's notes


Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: AMS Chelsea Publishing
Publication Year: 1950
Reprint/Revision History: first AMS printing 1999
ISBN: 0-8218-2024-9
Paging: 172 pp.
Binding: Hardcover


Foundations of Twisted Endoscopy

Robert E. Kottwitz, University of Chicago, IL, and Diana Shelstad, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

A publication of Societe Math?eatique de France.


This book develops the foundations of a general theory of twisted endoscopy by discussing the following: the definition of endoscopic groups,
the study of the correspondance between twisted conjugacy classes and conjugacy classes in endoscopic groups, the definition of transfer factors, and finally the stabilization of the elliptic part of the twisted trace formula. The book also develops a theory of duality and Tamagawa numbers for the hypercohomology of complexes $T \to U$ of tori.


Automorphism and L-groups
Norm mappings
Relative transfer factors
The notion of transfer
Beginning of the stabilization
End of the stabilization
Hypercohomology of complexes of tori over local fields
Inner twists of a group plus automorphism
Hypercohomology of complexes of tori over number fields
Duality for tori over number fields
Tamagawa numbers for complexes of tori


Publisher: Societe Mathematique de France
Series: Asterisque, ISSN:
Number: 255
Publication Year: 1999
Paging: 190 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Cohomologie, Stabilisation et Changement de Base

Jean-Pierre Labesse, Universite Paris 7, France

A publication of Societe Mathematique de France.


In this volume, the concept of a "crossed set" (a generalization of crossed modules) is introduced; the author studies Galois cohomology of these objects. This is the key to the stabilization of all elliptic terms for the twisted trace formula. Labesse then proves the existence of the stable transfer for cyclic base change, and from a conditional stabilization of the twisted trace formula, the existence of weak base change in some cases is deduced, in particular for automorphic representations on simply connected semi-simple groups which are Steinberg at two places. In an appendix, Labesse and Clozel study certain unitary groups. In a second appendix, L. Breen rephrases crossed sets in the framework of simplicial algebra. Text is in French.


Cohomologie, stabilisation et changement de base Introduction
Pr?liminaires cohomologiques
Conjugaison stable, int?grales orbitales et norme
Transfert local
Stabilisation de la formule des traces et applications


Publisher: Societe Mathematique de France
Series: Asterisque, Number: 257
Publication Year: 1999
Paging: 161 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Involutions Complexes et Vecteurs Spheriques Associes pour les Groupes de Lie Nilpotent Reels

Bernard Magneron, Universite Paris-Nord, Villetaneuse, France

A publication of Societe Mathematique de France.

Monomial representations of a nilpotent Lie group $G$ have been studied successfully during the last few years by several people, including Grlaud, Corwin and Greenleaf, Fujiwara and Lipsman. They are constructed by induction, starting from a unitary character of a $G$-subgroup.

Starting from a subalgebra $\frak{k}$ of the complexification $\frak{g}^\Bbb {C}$ of the Lie algebra $\frak{g}$ of $G$, and from a form $f$ or $\frak{g}^*$ such that $f([\frak{k},\frak{k}]) = \{0\}$, one can construct the associated holomorphically induced representation. This gives another way to obtain unitary representations for $G$, which generalizes the standard method.

This construction was used by Auslander and Kostant in 1971, assuming that $\frak{k}$ is a so-called positive polarization. Their goal was to study irreducible unitary representations of general solvable groups. Since then, no attempts seems to have been made to use this method to consider non-irreducible unitary representations.

This work is a first attempt to fill in this gap. Benoist's study of the monomial representation associated to the trivial character of the fixed points subgroup for an involution of $G$, which was carried out in 1985, showed it was a good starting example for studying more general monomial representations. In the same way, Magneron studies here the holomorphically induced representation $(\rho, \Cal{H})$ associated to the trivial functional on the fixed points for an involution of $\frak{g}^\Bbb{C}$, giving some insight of what might happen in more general instances. Text is in French.

Distributed by the AMS in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF, Maison de la SMF, B.P. 67, 13274 Marseille cedex 09, France, or to Institut Henri Poincar?, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


Introduction. Contexte de notre ?tude
R?sum? des r?sultats
Conventions, notations et rappels compl?mentaires
Les fonctions $\kappa^{\frak p}_{\ell}$ et les vecteurs sph?riques associ?s
G?om?trie des objets associ?s ? la paire sym?trique $(\frak{g}, \sigma)$
Calcul des fonctions $\kappa^{\frak p}_{\ell}$ dans certains cas. Cons?quences
R?currences et vecteurs sph?riques
Propri?t?s du c?ne $\varTheta_0$
Propri?t?s du c?ne $\varTheta$
Synth?se et r?sultats principaux
Non nullit? de la repr?sentation $\rho$
Quelques exemples
Liste des notations


Publisher: Societe Mathematique de France
Series: Asterisque, Number: 253
Publication Year: 1999
Paging: 118 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Theorie Homotipique des Shemas

Fabien Morel, Universit? Paris, France


In this text, the author proposes a general framework to apply the standard methods from homotopy theory to the category of smooth
schemes over a reasonable base scheme. It is shown that some expected properties are satisfied, for example, concerning algebraic
$K$-theory of those schemes. The text is in French.

Distributed by the AMS in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Orders from other countries should be sent to the SMF, Maison de la SMF, B.P. 67, 13274 Marseille cedex 09, France, or to Institut Henri Poincar?, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France. Members of the SMF receive a 30% discount from list.


La cat?gorie homotopique
Excision homotopique, puret? homotopique et ?clatements projectifs
Classification homotopique des fibr?s vectoriels
Rappels d'alg?bre homotopique
Famille ample de fibr?s inversibles sur un sch?ma


Publisher: Societe Mathematique de France
Series: Ast?risque, Number: 256
Publication Year: 1999
Paging: 119 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Local Tame Lifting for GL(n) II: Wildly Ramified Supercuspidals

Colin J. Bushnell, King's College, London, UK, and Guy Henniart, Universit? de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France

A publication of Societe Mathematique de France.


In this work, the authors discuss the following problem: Let $F$ be a finite extension of the field of $p$-adic numbers. The Langlands
Conjectures relate the representations of the absolute Galois group of $F$ with the representations of general linear groups over
$F$. These conjectures have recently been proved, via global geometric methods, by Harris-Taylor and Henniart.

The approach given here uses no global or geometric methods. In the crucial case where the dimension is a power of $p$, they construct a correspondence exhibiting almostall of the desired properties. This very explicit approach is based on the theory of types of Bushnell-Kutzko
and their behavior under base change with respect to tame extensions of $F$.


Notation and Preliminaries
Algebraic tame lifting
Correspondence with Galois representations
Central types
Base field extension for central types
Construction of the tame lift
Automorphic local constants
Gauss sums mod roots of unity
Gauss sum relations
Calculation of the commutator Gauss sum
Comparison with base change
Appendix: Representations of finite groups


Publisher: Societe Mathematique de France
Series: Asterisque, Number: 254
Publication Year: 1999
Paging: 105 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Riemannian Geometry During the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Marcel Berger, Institut des Hautes ?tudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France


During its first hundred years, Riemannian geometry enjoyed steady, but undistinguished growth as a field of mathematics.
In the last fifty years of the twentieth century,however, it has exploded with activity. Berger marks the start of this period with Rauch's pioneering paper of 1951, which contains the first real pinching theorem and an amazing leap in the depth of the connection between
geometry and topology. Since then, the field has become so rich that it is almost impossible for the uninitiated to find
their way through it. Textbooks on the subject invariably must choose a particular approach, thus narrowing the path.
In this book, Berger provides a truly remarkable survey of the main developments in Riemannian geometry in the second half of the last fifty years.

One of the most powerful features of Riemannian manifolds is that they have invariants of (at least) three different kinds. There are the geometric invariants: topology, the metric, various notions of curvature, and relationships among these. There are analytic invariants:
eigenvalues of the Laplacian, wave equations, Schr?dinger equations. There are the invariants that come from Hamiltonian mechanics:
geodesic flow, ergodic properties, periodic geodesics. Finally, there are important results relating different types ofinvariants. To keep
the size of this survey manageable, Berger focuses on five areas of Riemannian geometry: Curvature and topology; the construction
of and the classification of space forms; distinguished metrics, especially Einstein metrics; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian;
the study of periodic geodesics and the geodesic flow. Other topics are treated in less detail in a separate section.

While Berger's survey is not intended for the complete beginner (one should already be familiar with notions of curvature and geodesics), he provides a detailed map to the major developments of Riemannian geometry from 1950 to 1999. Important threads are highlighted, with brief descriptions of the results that make up that thread. This supremely scholarly account is remarkable for its careful citations and voluminous bibliography. If you wish to learn about the results that have defined Riemannian geometry in the last half century, start with this book.

Reprint arranged with the approval of the publisher B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart and Leipzig.


Riemannian geometry up to 1950
Comments on the main topics I, II, III, IV, V under consideration
Curvature and topology
The geometrical hierarchy of Riemannian manifolds: Space forms
The set of Riemannian structures on a given compact manifold: Is there a best metric?
The spectrum, the eigenfunctions
Periodic geodesics, the geodesic flow
Some other Riemannian geometric topics of interest
Subject and notation index
Name index


Series: University Lecture Series,
Publication Year: 1999
ISBN: 0-8218-2052-4
Paging: approximately 217 pp.
Binding: Softcover


Statistical Process Monitoring and Optimization

Edited by: Sung H. Park, Seoul National University, South Korea, and
G. Geoffrey Vining, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg

series: Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs volume: 160
09/01/1999 In Press


Presenting the science of statistical process control (SPC) and the related concepts of total quality management (TQM) and design of experiments (DOE), this remarkable reference demonstrates ways to track industrial processes and performance?integrating related
areas such as engineering process control, statistical reasoning in TQM, robust parameter design, control charts, multivariate process
monitoring, capability indices, experimental design, empirical model building, and process optimization.

Covers a wide range of statistical methods and emphasizes practical applications of quality control systems in manufacturing, organization,
and planning.

Written by more than 25 renowned researchers with broad experience with on-the-job problem solving, Statistical Process Monitoring and Optimization

showcases concepts such as "people-based management" and continuous improvement examines leadership styles in European,
American, and Asian companies describes means of quantifying factors such as employee loyalty and customer satisfaction and their
relation to profitability explores multivariate diagnosis theory in application to multioperational and multi-index systems
assesses uses of Markov chains in relation to ARL and associated sampling distributions explains statistical models for dynamic systems, changepoint analysis, generalized linear models, and key algorithms elucidates replication strategies and process capability
reviews the interplay of intraorganizational domains such as finance, marketing, resource allocation, software engineering,
and strategic planning and more!


Statistical Reasoning in Total Quality Management

On-Line Quality Control System Designs, Genichi Taguchi
Statistical Monitoring and Optimization in Total Quality Management, Kai Kristensen
Quality Improvement Methods and Statistical Reasoning, G. K. Kanji
Leadership Profiles and the Implementation of Total Quality Management for Business Excellence,
Jens J. Dahlgaard, Su Mi Park Dahlgaard, and Anders N?rgaard
A Methodological Approach for the Integration of SPC and EPC in Discrete Manufacturing Processes,
Enrique Del Castillo, G. Rainer, and Elart Von Collani
Reliability Analysis of Customer Claims, Pasquale Erto

Control Charts and Process Monitoring

Some Recent Developments in Control Charts for Monitoring a Proportion, Marion R. Reynolds, Jr., and Zachary G. Stoumbos
Process Monitoring with Autocorrelated Data, Douglas C. Montgomery and Christina M. Mastrangelo
An Introduction to the New Multivariate Diagnosis Theory with Two Kinds of Quality and Its Applications, Gongxu Zhang
Applications of Markov Chain in Quality-Related Matters, Min-Te Chao
Joint Monitoring of Process Mean and Variance Based on the Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages, Fah Fatt Gan

Multivariate Process Monitoring and Capability Indices

Multivariate Quality Control Procedures, Anthony J. Hayter
Autocorrelation in Multivariate Processes, Robert L. Mason and John C. Young
Capability Indices for Multiresponse Processes, Alan Veevers
Pattern Recognition and Its Applications in Industry, R. Gnanadesikan and J. R. Kettenring
Assessing Process Capability with Indices, Fred A. Spiring

Experimental Design and Analysis for Process Control

Experimental Strategies for Estimating Mean and Variance Function, G. Geoffrey Vining, Diane A. Schaub, and Carl Modigh
Recent Development in Supersaturated Designs, Dennis K. J. Lin
Statistical Methods for Product Development: Prototype Experiments, David M. Steinberg and S?ren Bisgaard
Optimal Approximate Designs for B-Spline Regression, Norbert Gaffke and Berthold Heiligers
On Dispersion Effects and Their Identification, Bo Bergman and Anders Hyn?n

Empirical Model Building and Process Optimization

A Graphical Method for Model Fitting in Parameter Design with Dynamic Characteristics, Sung H. Park and Je H. Choi
Joint Modelling of the Mean and Dispersion for the Anlaysis of Quality Improvement Experiments, Youngjo Lee and John A. Nelder
Modelling and Analyzing the Generalized Interaction, Chihiro Hirotsu
Optimization Methods in Multiresponse Surface Methodology, Andr? I. Khuri and Elsie S. Valeroso
Stochastic Modelling for Quality Improvement in Processes, M. F. Ramalhoto
Recent Developments in Response Surface Methodology and Its Applications in Industry, Angela R. Neff and Raymond H. Myers