Edited by Patrick T. Harker, Stavros A. Zenios
Performance of Financial Institutions
Patrick T. Harker, Stavros A. Zenios, Allen
Berger, David Humphrey, Loretta Mester, Peter
Marc Saidenberg, Joseph Meador, Harley Ryan,
Carolin Schellhorn, Piet Eicholtz, Hans Op
Mark Schweitzer, Steven Ongena, David C.
Smith, Frances Frei, Larry Hunter, Andreas
Athanassopoulos, Andreas Soteriou, Paul Horvitz,
Lawrence White, Kathryn Dewenter, Alan Hess,
Srilata Zaheer
The efficient operation of financial intermediaries
- banks, insurance and pension fund firms,
government agencies - is instrumental for
the efficient functioning of the financial
system and
the fuelling of the economies of the twenty-first
century. But what drives the performance
these institutions in today's global environment?
The interdisciplinary and international perspective
of this volume offers a deep understanding
of the drivers of performance in financial
institutions. World-renowned scholars from
economics, finance, operations management
marketing, and leading industry professionals,
bring their expertise to bear. Among their
concerns are: the definition and measurement
of the efficiency of such institutions; benchmarks
efficiency; identification of performance
drivers and measurement of their effects;
the impact of
financial innovation and information technologies
on performance; the effects of process design,
human resource management policies and regulations
on efficiency; and interrelationships
between risk management and operational efficiency.
ISBN: 0-521-77767-4
Binding: Paperback (Hardback)
Size: 230 x 154 mm
Pages: 512
Weight: 0.705kg
Figures: 16 line diagrams 70 tables
Edited by N. Dyn, D. Leviatan, D. Levin, A. Pinkus
Multivariate Approximation and Applications
R. Schaback, H. Wendland, M. D. Buhmann,
H. N. Mhaskar, F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward,
K. Jetter, G.
Plonka, A. Ron, T. Lyche, K. Mxrken, E. Quak,
A. Cohen, P. Schrvder, J. Hoschek
Multivariate approximation theory is today
an increasingly active research area. It
encompasses a wide range of tools for multivariate
approximation such as multi-dimensional splines
and finite elements,
shift-invariant spaces and radial-basis function
Approximation theory in the multivariate
has many applications including numerical
analysis, wavelet analysis, signal processing,
geographic information systems, computer
aided geometric design and computer graphics.
The field is fascinating since much of the
mathematics of the classical univariate theory
does not straightforwardly generalize to
the multivariate setting, so new tools are
required. This advanced introduction to multivariate
approximation and related topics consists
of nine articles written by leading experts
surveying many of the new ideas and their
Each article introduces a particular topic,
takes the reader to the forefront of research
and ends
with a comprehensive bibliography. This unique
account is an ideal introduction to the subject
researchers, in universities and industry,
and graduate students.
Chapter Contents
List of contributors; Preface; 1. Characterization
and construction of radial basis functions
Schaback and H. Wendland; 2. Approximation
and interpolation with radial functions M.
Buhmann; 3. Representing and analyzing scattered
data on spheres H. N. Mhaskar, F. J.
Narcowich and J. D. Ward; 4. A survey on
L2-approximation orders from shift-invariant
spaces K. Jetter and G. Plonka; 5. Introduction
to shift-invariant spaces. Linear independence
Ron; 6. Theory and algorithms for nonuniform
spline wavelets T. Lyche, K. Mxrken and E.
7. Applied and computational aspects of nonlinear
wavelet approximation A. Cohen; 8.
Subdivision, multiresolution and the construction
of scalable algorithms in computer graphics
Schrvder; 9. Mathematical methods in reverse
engineering J. Hoschek.
ISBN: 0-521-80023-4
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 292
Weight: 0kg
Figures: 22 line diagrams 14 colour
Thomas A. Garrity
All the Mathematics You Missed
Beginning graduate students in mathematics
and other quantitative subjects are expected
to have
a daunting breadth of mathematical knowledge.
But few students, especially from the United
States, have such a background. This book
will help students to see the broad outline
mathematics and to fill in the gaps in their
knowledge. The author explains the basic
and a few key results of all the most important
undergraduate topics in mathematics,
emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject.
The topics include linear algebra, vector
differential and analytical geometry, real
analysis, point-set topology, probability,
analysis, set theory, algorithms, and more.
An annotated bibliography then offers a guide
further reading and to more rigorous foundations.
This book will be an essential resource for
advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate
students in mathematics, the physical sciences,
engineering, computer science, statistics,
and economics who need to quickly learn some
serious mathematics.
Chapter Contents
1. Linear algebra; 2. e and d real analysis;
3. Vector-valued functions, Jacobians and
the inverse function theorem; 4. Point set
topology; 5. Classical Stokes theorem in
vector calculus; 6. Differential forms and
Stokes theorem; 7. Differential geometry
of curves and surfaces; 8. Geometry; 9. Complex
analysis; 10. Algebra; 11.
Lebesgue integration; 12. Fourier analysis;
13. Differential equations; 14. Set theory;
15. Algorithms; 16. Probability theory.
ISBN: 0-521-79285-1
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 350
H. Niederreiter, C. Xing
Rational Points on Curves over Finite Fields
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note
Ever since the seminal work of Goppa on algebraic-geometry
codes, rational points on
algebraic curves over finite fields have
been an important research topic for algebraic
and coding theorists. The focus in this application
of algebraic geometry to coding theory is
algebraic curves over finite fields with
many rational points (relative to the genus).
the authors discovered another important
application of such curves, namely to the
construction of low-discrepancy sequences.
These sequences are needed for numerical
methods in
areas as diverse as computational physics
and mathematical finance. This has given
impetus to the theory of, and the search
for, algebraic curves over finite fields
with many
rational points. This book aims to sum up
the theoretical work on algebraic curves
over finite
fields with many rational points and to discuss
the applications of such curves to algebraic
coding theory and the construction of low-discrepancy
Chapter Contents
1. Background on function fields; 2. Class
field theory; 3. Explicit function fields;
4. Function
fields with many rational places; 5. Asymptotic
results; 6. Applications to algebraic coding
theory; 7. Applications to cryptography;
8. Applications to low-discrepancy sequences.
ISBN: 0-521-66543-4
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 256
Figures: 22 tables
Pertti Lounesto
Clifford Algebras and Spinors, 2nd edition
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note
In this book, Professor Lounesto offers a
unique introduction to Clifford algebras
and spinors. The
initial chapters could be read by undergraduates;
vectors, complex numbers and quaternions
introduced with an eye on Clifford algebras.
The next chapters will also interest physicists,
include treatments of the quantum mechanics
of the electron, electromagnetism and special
relativity with a flavour of Clifford algebras.
This book also gives the first comprehensive
of recent research on Clifford algebras.
A new classification of spinors is introduced,
based on
bilinear covariants of physical observables.
This reveals a new class of spinors, residing
the Weyl, Majorana and Dirac spinors. Scalar
products of spinors are classified by involutory
anti-automorphisms of Clifford algebras.
This leads to the chessboard of automorphism
of scalar products of spinors. On the analytic
side, Brauer-Wall groups and Witt rings are
discussed, and Caucy痴 integral formula is
generalized to higher dimensions.
Chapter Contents
1. Vectors and linear spaces; 2. Complex
numbers; 3. Bivectors and the exterior algebra;
4. Pauli spin matrices and spinors; 5. Quaternions;
6. The fourth dimension; 7. The
cross product; 8. Electromagnetism; 9. Lorentz
transformations; 10. The Dirac equation;
Fierz identities and boomerangs; 12. Flags,
poles and dipoles; 13. Tilt to the opposite
metric; 14. Definitions of the Clifford algebra;
15. Witt rings and Brauer groups; 16. Matrix
representations and periodicity of 8; 17.
Spin groups and spinor spaces; 18. Scalar
products of
spinors and the chessboard; 19. Mvbius transformations
and Vahlen matrices; 20.
Hypercomplex analysis; 21. Binary index sets
and Walsh functions; 22. Chevalley's construction
and characteristic 2; 23. Octonions and triality.
ISBN: 0-521-00551-5
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 344
Figures: 35 line diagrams