S. R. S. Varadhan, New York University - Courant Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, NY
Probability Theory
This volume presents topics in probability
theory covered during
a first-year graduate course given at the
Courant Institute of
Mathematical Sciences. The necessary background
material in
measure theory is developed, including the
standard topics, such
as extension theorem, construction of measures,
product spaces, Radon-Nikodym theorem, and
In the first part of the book, characteristic
functions are
introduced, followed by the study of weak
convergence of
probability distributions. Then both the
weak and strong limit
theorems for sums of independent random variables
are proved,
including the weak and strong laws of large
numbers, central
limit theorems, laws of the iterated logarithm,
and the
Kolmogorov three series theorem. The first
part concludes with
infinitely divisible distributions and limit
theorems for sums of
uniformly infinitesimal independent random
The second part of the book mainly deals
with dependent random
variables, particularly martingales and Markov
chains. Topics
include standard results regarding discrete
parameter martingales
and Doob's inequalities. The standard topics
in Markov chains are
treated, i.e., transience, and null and positive
recurrence. A
varied collection of examples is given to
demonstrate the
connection between martingales and Markov
Additional topics covered in the book include
stationary Gaussian
processes, ergodic theorems, dynamic programming,
stopping, and filtering. A large number of
examples and exercises
is included. The book is a suitable text
for a first-year
graduate course in probability.
Measure theory
Weak convergence
Independent sums
Dependent random variables
Stationary stochastic processes
Dynamic programming and filtering
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Courant Lecture Notes, Volume: 7
Publication Year: 2001
ISBN: 0-8218-2852-5
Paging: 167 pp.
Binding: Softcover
Larry C. Grove, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra
Expected publication date is October 31,
"Classical groups", named so by
Hermann Weyl, are
groups of matrices or quotients of matrix
groups by small normal
Thus the story begins, as Weyl suggested,
with "Her All-embracing
Majesty", the general linear group $GL_n(V)$
of all
invertible linear transformations of a vector
space $V$ over a
field $F$. All further groups discussed are
either subgroups of
$GL_n(V)$ or closely related quotient groups.
Most of the classical groups consist of invertible
transformations that respect a bilinear form
having some
geometric significance, e.g., a quadratic
form, a symplectic
form, etc. Accordingly, the author develops
the required
geometric notions, albeit from an algebraic
point of view, as the
end results should apply to vector spaces
over more-or-less
arbitrary fields, finite or infinite.
The classical groups have proved to be important
in a wide
variety of venues, ranging from physics to
geometry and far
beyond. In recent years, they have played
a prominent role in the
classification of the finite simple groups.
This text provides a single source for the
basic facts about the
classical groups and also includes the required
background information from the first principles.
It is intended
for graduate students who have completed
standard courses in
linear algebra and abstract algebra. The
author, L. C. Grove, is
a well-known expert who has published extensively
in the subject
Permutation actions
The basic linear groups
Bilinear forms
Symplectic groups
Symmetric forms and quadratic forms
Orthogonal geometry (char $F\not= 2$)
Orthogonal groups (char $F \not= 2$), I
$O(V)$, $V$ Euclidean
Clifford algebras (char $F \not = 2$)
Orthogonal groups (char $F \not = 2$), II
Hermitian forms and unitary spaces
Unitary groups
Orthogonal geometry (char $F = 2$)
Clifford algebras (char $F = 2$)
Orthogonal groups (char $F = 2$)
Further developments
List of notation
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume:
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2019-2
Paging: 169 pp.
Binding: Hardcover
Kenichi Ohshika, Osaka University, Japan
Discrete Groups
Expected publication date is November 18,
This book deals with geometric and topological
aspects of
discrete groups. The main topics are hyperbolic
groups due to
Gromov, automatic group theory, invented
and developed by
Epstein, whose subjects are groups that can
be manipulated by
computers, and Kleinian group theory, which
enjoys the longest
tradition and the richest contents within
the theory of discrete
subgroups of Lie groups.
What is common among these three classes
of groups is that when
seen as geometric objects, they have the
properties of a
negatively curved space rather than a positively
curved space. As
Kleinian groups are groups acting on a hyperbolic
space of
constant negative curvature, the technique
employed to study them
is that of hyperbolic manifolds, typical
examples of negatively
curved manifolds. Although hyperbolic groups
in the sense of
Gromov are much more general objects than
Kleinian groups, one
can apply for them arguments and techniques
that are quite
similar to those used for Kleinian groups.
Automatic groups are
further general objects, including groups
having properties of
spaces of curvature 0. Still, relationships
between automatic
groups and hyperbolic groups are examined
here using ideas
inspired by the study of hyperbolic manifolds.
In all of these
three topics, there is a "soul"
of negative curvature
upholding the theory. The volume would make
a fine textbook for a
graduate-level course in discrete groups.
Basic notions for infinite group
Hyperbolic groups
Automatic groups
Kleinian groups
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Translations of Mathematical Monographs,
Subseries: Iwanami Series in Modern Mathematics
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2080-X
Paging: approximately 207 pp.
Binding: Softcover
A. M. Vinogradov, University of Salerno, Baronossi (SA), Italy
Cohomological Analysis of Partial Differential
and Secondary Calculus
Expected publication date is November 9,
This book is dedicated to fundamentals of
a new theory, which is
an analog of affine algebraic geometry for
(nonlinear) partial
differential equations. This theory grew
up from the classical
geometry of PDE's originated by S. Lie and
his followers by
incorporating some nonclassical ideas from
the theory of
integrable systems, the formal theory of
PDE's in its modern
cohomological form given by D. Spencer and
H. Goldschmidt and
differential calculus over commutative algebras
(Primary Calculus).
The main result of this synthesis is Secondary
Calculus on
diffieties, new geometrical objects which
are analogs of
algebraic varieties in the context of (nonlinear)
Secondary Calculus surprisingly reveals a
deep cohomological
nature of the general theory of PDE's and
indicates new
directions of its further progress. Recent
developments in
quantum field theory showed Secondary Calculus
to be its natural
language, promising a nonperturbative formulation
of the theory.
In addition to PDE's themselves, the author
describes existing
and potential applications of Secondary Calculus
ranging from
algebraic geometry to field theory, classical
and quantum,
including areas such as characteristic classes,
invariants, theory of geometric structures,
variational calculus,
control theory, etc. This book, focused mainly
on theoretical
aspects, forms a natural dipole with Symmetries
and Conservation
Laws for Differential Equations of Mathematical
Physics, Volume
182 in this same series, Translations of
Mathematical Monographs,
and shows the theory "in action".
From symmetries of partial differential equations
to Secondary
Elements of differential calculus in commutative
Geometry of finite-order contact structures
and the classical
theory of symmetries of partial differential
Geometry of infinitely prolonged differential
equations and
higher symmetries
$\mathcal{C}$-spectral sequence and some
Introduction to Secondary Calculus
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Translations of Mathematical Monographs,
Volume: 204
Publication Year: 2001
ISBN: 0-8218-2922-X
Paging: approximately 264 pp.
Binding: Hardcover
Edited by: Gaston M. N'Guerekata and Asamoah Nkwanta,
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Council for African American Researchers
in the Mathematical
Sciences: Volume IV
Expected publication date is October 25,
This volume contains selected papers from
the Sixth Conference
for African American Researchers in the Mathematical
Sciences (CAARMS),
held at Morgan State University in Baltimore
organizes this annual conference showcasing
the current research
primarily, but not exclusively, of African
Americans in the
mathematical sciences. Since the first conference
in 1995,
significant numbers of researchers have presented
their current
work in technical talks, and graduate students
have presented
their work in organized poster sessions.
Research topics include mathematics (number
theory, analysis,
topology, differential equations, algebra,
combinatorics, etc.),
mathematical physics, mathematical biology,
operations research,
probability and statistics, and computer
science. In addition to
the invited talks, tutorials and group discussions
on various
topics are organized to stimulate, nurture,
and encourage
increased participation by African Americans
and other
underrepresented groups in the mathematical
sciences. These
events create an ideal forum for mentoring
and networking where
attendees can meet researchers and graduate
students who are
interested in the same fields.
For volumes based on previous CAARMS proceedings,
see African
Americans in Mathematics, Volume 34, in the
AMS Series in
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science, African
Americans in Mathematics II, Volume 252,
and Council for African
American Researchers in the Mathematical
Sciences: Volume III,
Volume 275, in the AMS series, Contemporary
Research articles
K. M. Lewis -- Hyponormality and a family
of Toeplitz operators
on the Bergman space
E. Goins -- A ternary algebra with applications
to binary
quadratic forms
I. Assani -- Spectral characterization of
ergodic dynamical
C. Castillo-Chavez and A.-A. Yakubu -- Epidemics
on attractors
K. F. Sellers -- A definition of vague coherent
M. C. Jackson -- Spatial data analysis for
discrete data on a
C. R. Handy -- New perspectives in moment-wavelet
analysis from
quantum operator theory: Scalets and local
Historical articles
J. L. Houston -- Numbers that count-Persons
who impact,
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume:
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2793-6
Paging: 135 pp.
Binding: Softcover
Edited by: Bruce C. Berndt, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL,
and Robert A. Rankin, University of Glasgow,
Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys
Expected publication date is November 14,
This book contains essays on Ramanujan and
his work that were
written especially for this volume. It also
includes important
survey articles in areas influenced by Ramanujan's
Most of the articles in the book are nontechnical,
but even those
that are more technical contain substantial
sections that will
engage the general reader.
The book opens with the only four existing
photographs of
Ramanujan, presenting historical accounts
of them and information
about other people in the photos. This section
includes an
account of a cryptic family history written
by his younger
brother, S. Lakshmi Narasimhan. Following
are articles on
Ramanujan's illness by R. A. Rankin, the
British physician D. A.
B. Young, and Nobel laureate S. Chandrasekhar.
They present a
study of his symptoms, a convincing diagnosis
of the cause of his
death, and a thorough exposition of Ramanujan's
life as a patient
in English sanitariums and nursing homes.
Following this are biographies of S. Janaki
(Mrs. Ramanujan) and
S. Narayana Iyer, Chief Accountant of the
Madras Port Trust
Office, who first communicated Ramanujan's
work to the Journal of
the Indian Mathematical Society. The last
half of the book begins
with a section on "Ramanujan's Manuscripts
and Notebooks".
Included is an important article by G. E.
Andrews on Ramanujan's
lost notebook.
The final two sections feature both nontechnical
articles, such
as Jonathan and Peter Borwein's "Ramanujan
and pi", and
more technical articles by Freeman Dyson,
Atle Selberg, Richard
Askey, and G. N. Watson.
This volume complements the book Ramanujan:
Letters and
Commentary, Volume 9, in the AMS series,
History of Mathematics.
For more on Ramanujan, see these AMS publications
Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by
His Life and Work,
Volume 136.H, and Collected Papers of Srinivasa
Ramanujan, Volume
159.H, in the AMS Chelsea Publishing series.
Copublished with the London Mathematical
Society. Members of the
LMS may order directly from the AMS at the
AMS member price. The
LMS is registered with the Charity Commissioners.
・R. A. Rankin -- Commentary (by R. A. R.)
The life of Ramanujan
・The four photographs of Ramanujan
・The books studied by Ramanujan in India
・The influence of Carr's synopsis on Ramanujan
・The notebooks of Srinivasa Ramanujan
・A recently discovered letter giving Ramanujan's
scores On Ramanujan
・The Ramanujan family record
Ramanujan's illness
・Ramanujan as a patient
・Ramanujan's illness
・An incident in the life of S. Ramanujan,
F.R.S.: Conversations
with G. H. Hardy, F.R.S. and J. E. Littlewood,
F.R.S. and their
S. Janaki
・S. Janaki Ammal (Mrs. Ramanujan)
・Conversation "I didn't understand
his work, but I knew
his worth"
S. Narayana Iyer
・A short biography of S. Narayana Iyer
・The distribution of primes
・Some theorems in summation
E. H. Neville
・Srinivasa Ramanujan
・University lectures in Madras
Ramanujan's manuscripts and notebooks
・Ramanujan's manuscripts and notebooks
・Ramanujan's manuscripts and notebooks,
・An overview of Ramanujan's notebooks
・An introduction to Ramanujan's "lost"
Nontechnical articles on Ramanujan's work
・Ramanujan and pi
・$\pi$ related developments since 1988
・Reflections around the Ramanujan centenary
・The problems submitted by Ramanujan to
the Journal of the
Indian Mathematical Society
Somewhat more technical articles on Ramanujan's
・A walk through Ramanujan's garden
・Ramanujan and hypergeometric and basic
hypergeometric series
・The final problem: An account of the mock
theta functions
Publisher: American Mathematical Society,
London Mathematical
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: History of Mathematics
Publication Year: 2001
ISBN: 0-8218-2624-7
Paging: 347 pp.
Binding: Hardcover