Heyde, C.C., Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Seneta, E., The University of Sydney, NSW,
Australia (Eds.)
Statisticians of the Centuries
2001. XII, 500 pp.
Hardcover 0-387-95329-9
Softcover 0-387-95283-7
Statisticians of the Centuries aims to demonstrate
achievements of statistics to a broad audience,
and to
commemorate the work of celebrated statisticians.
This is done
through short biographies that put the statistical
work in its
historical and sociological context, emphasizing
contributions to
science and society in the broadest terms
rather than narrow
technical achievement. The discipline is
treated from its
earliest times and only individuals born
prior to the 20th
Century are included. The volume arose through
the initiative of
the International Statistical Institute (ISI),
the principal
representative association for international
statistics (founded
in 1885). Extensive consultations within
the statistical
community, and with prominent members of
ISI in particular, led
to the names of the 104 individuals who are
included in the
volume. The biographies were contributed
by 73 authors from
across the world.
The editors are the well-known statisticians
Chris Heyde and
Eugene Seneta. Chris Heyde is Professor of
Statistics at both
Columbia University in New York and the Australian
University in Canberra. Eugene Seneta is
Professor of
Mathematical Statistics at the University
of Sydney and a Member
of the ISI. His historical writings focus
on 19th Century France
and the Russian Empire. Both editors are
Fellows of the
Australian Academy of Science and have, at
various times, been
awarded the Pitman Medal of the Statistical
Society of Australia
for their distinguished research contributions.
Contents: From the contents: Probability
Prior to Pascal.- 17th
Century: Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665). John
Graunt (1620-1674).
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Christian Huygens
(1629-1695). Caspar
Neumann (1648-1715). Jakob Bernoulli (1655-1705).
John Arbuthnot
(1667-1735). Abraham de Moivre (1667-1754).
Pierre Remond de
Montmort (1678-1719). Nicolaus Bernoulli
(1687-1759). Daniel
Bernoulli (1700-1782).- 18th Century: Thomas
Bayes (1701-1761).
Johann Peter Sussmilch (1707-1767). Georges-Louis
Leclerc, Comte
de Buffon (1707-1788). Rogerius Josephus
Boscovich (1711-1787).
D'Alembert (1717-1783). Marquis de Condorcet
(1743-1794). Pierre-Simon
Marquis de Laplace (1749-1827). Adrien-Marie
Legendre (1752-1833).
William Playfair (1759-1823). Thomas Robert
Malthus (1766-1834).
Sir Frederick Morton Eden (1765-1809). Carl
Friederich Gauss (1777-1855).
Simeon-Denis Poisson (1781-1840). Adolphe
Quetelet (1796-1874).
Irenee-Jules Bienayme (1796-1878). Stefano
Franscini (1796-1857).-
19th Century: Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801-1887).
Anton Meyer (1801-1857).
Antoine Augustin Cournot (1801-1877). Augustus
De Morgn (1806-1871).
William Farr (1807-1883). George Boole (1815-1864).
Nightingale (1820-1910).
Kerler, T., Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Lyubashenko, V.V., Institute of Mathematics,
Kiev, Ukraine
Non-Semisimple Topological Quantum Field
for 3-Manifolds with Corners
2001. VI, 379 pp. Softcover
This book presents the (to date) most general
approach to
combinatorial constructions of topological
quantum field theories
(TQFTs) in three dimensions. The authors
describe extended TQFTs
as double functors between two naturally
defined double
categories: one of topological nature, made
of 3-manifolds with
corners, the other of algebraic nature, made
of linear
categories, functors, vector spaces and maps.
conventional notion of TQFTs as well as the
notion of modular
functor from axiomatic conformal field theory
are unified in this
concept. A large class of such extended modular
catergory is
constructed, assigning a double functor to
every abelian modular
category, which does not have to be semisimple.
Contents: Introduction and summary of results.-
The double
category of framed, relative 3-cobordisms.-
Tangle-categories and
presentation of cobordisms.- Isomorphism
between tangle and
cobordism categories.- Monoidal categories
and monoidal 2-categories.-
Coends and construction of Hopf algebras.-
Construction of TQFT-Double
Functors.- Generalization of modular functor.-
A: From quantum
field theory of axiomatics.- B: Double categories
and double
functors.- C: Thick tangles.
Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics. VOL.
Hennion, H., University of Rennes, France/
Herve, L., University of Rennes, France
Limit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic
of Dynamical Systems by Quasi-Compactness
2001. VIII, 145 pp. Softcover
This book shows how techniques from the perturbation
theory of
operators, applied to a quasi-compact positive
kernel, may be
used to obtain limit theorems for Markov
chains or to describe
stochastic properties of dynamical systems.
A general framework for this method is given
and then applied to
treat several specific cases. An essential
element of this work
is the description of the peripheral spectra
of a quasi-compact
Markov kernel and of its Fourier-Laplace
perturbations. This is
first done in the ergodic but non-mixing
case. This work is
extended by the second author to the non-ergodic
The only prerequisites for this book are
a knowledge of the basic
techniques of probability theory and of notions
of elementary
functional analysis.
Contents: General facts about the method,
purpose of the paper.-
The central limit theorems for Markov chains.-
operators of diagonal type and perturbations.-
First properties
of Fourier kernels, application.- Peripheral
eigenvalues of
Fourier kernels.- Proofs of theorems A, B,
C.- Renewal theorem
for Markov chains (theorem D).- Large deviations
for Markov
chains (theorem E).- Ergodic properties for
Markov chains.-
Stochastic properties of dynamical systems.-
Expanding maps.-
Proofs of some statements in probability
theory.- Functional
analysis results on quasi-compactness.- Generalization
to the non-ergodic
case (by L. Herve).
Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics. VOL.
Harville, D.A., IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions
2001. Approx. 295 pp. Softcover
Publication date: October 2001
This book contains over 300 exercises and
solutions that together
cover a wide variety of topics in matrix
algebra. They can be
used for independent study or in creating
a challenging and
stimulating environment that encourages active
engagement in the
learning process. The requisite background
is some previous
exposure to matrix algebra of the kind obtained
in a first course.
The exercises are those from an earlier book
by the same author
entitled Matrix Algebra From a Statistician's
Perspective. They
have been restated (as necessary) to stand
alone, and the book
includes extensive and detailed summaries
of all relevant
terminology and notation. The coverage includes
topics of special
interest and relevance in statistics and
related disciplines, as
well as standard topics. The overlap with
exercises available
from other sources is relatively small. This
collection of
exercises and their solutions will be a useful
reference for
students and researchers in matrix algebra.
It will be of
interest to mathematicians and statisticians.
Bourbaki, N.
Elements of Mathematics
Topological Vector Spaces. Chapters 1-5
1st ed. 1987. 2nd printing 2001. VII, 364
pp. Softcover
This book is the English translation of the
new and expanded
version of Bourbaki's "Espaces vectoriels
Chapters 1 and 2 contain the general definitions
and a thorough
study of convexity; they are organized around
the basic theorems
(closed graph, Hahn-Banach and Krein-Milman)
and differ only by
minor changes from those of older editions.
Chapters 3 and 4 have
been substantially rewritten; the order of
exposition has been
modified and a number of notions and results
have been inserted,
whose importance emerged in the last twenty
years. Bornological
spaces are introduced together with barrelled
ones; almost every
space of practical use today belongs in fact
to these two
categories, which have good stability properties,
and in which
the basic theorems (the Banach-Steinhaus
theorem for example)
apply. Recent results on the completion of
a dual space (Grothendieck
theorem) or on the continuity of linear maps
with measurable
graphs are treated. An important place is
devoted to properties
of Frechet spaces and of their dual spaces,
to compactness
criteria (Eberlein-Smullian) and to the existence
of fixed points
for groups of linear maps. Chapter 5 is devoted
to Hilbert
spaces; it includes in particular the spectral
decomposition of
Hilbert-Schmidt operators and the construction
of symmetric and
exterior powers of Hilbert spaces, whose
applications are of
growing importance. At the end, an appendix
restates the
principal results obtained in the case of
normed spaces,
providing convenient references.
The book addresses all mathematicians and
physicists interested
in a structural presentation of contemporary
Keywords: Functional analysis, operators
MSC ( 2000 ): 46Axx, 46-02,
Contents: Topological Vector Spaces over
a Valued Division Ring.-
Convex Sets and Locally Convex Spaces.- Spaces
of Continuous
Linear Mappings.- Duality in Topological
Vector Spaces.-
Hilbertian Spaces (Elementary Theory).