Eric Ghysels, Denise R. Osborn
The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time
Eric Ghysels and Denise R. Osborn provide
a thorough and timely
review of the recent developments in the
econometric analysis of
seasonal economic time series, summarizing
a decade of
theoretical advances in the area. The authors
discuss the
asymptotic distribution theory for linear
nonstationary seasonal
stochastic processes. They also cover the
latest contributions to
the theory and practice of seasonal adjustment,
together with its
implications for estimation and hypothesis
testing. Moreover, a
comprehensive analysis of periodic models
is provided, including
stationary and nonstationary cases. The book
concludes with a
discussion of some nonlinear seasonal and
periodic models. The
treatment is designed for an audience of
researchers and advanced
graduate students.
Chapter Contents
1. Introduction to seasonal processes; 2.
seasonality; 3. Seasonal unit root processes;
4. Seasonal
adjustment programs; 5. Estimation and hypothesis
testing with
filtered data; 6. Periodic processes; 7.
Some nonlinear seasonal
models; 8. Epilogue.
ISBN: 0-521-56260-0
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 0-521-56588-X
Binding: Paperback
Size: 237 x 159 mm
Pages: 250
Weight: 0.465kg
Figures: 15 line diagrams 2 tables
Published: 6 September 2001
Gordon James, Martin Liebeck
Representations and Characters of Groups(2nd
This book provides a modern introduction
to the representation
theory of finite groups. Now in its second
edition, the authors
have revised the text and added much new
material. The theory is
developed in terms of modules, since this
is appropriate for more
advanced work, but considerable emphasis
is placed upon
constructing characters. Included here are
the character tables
of all groups of order less than 32, and
all simple groups of
order less than 1000. Applications covered
include Burnside’s
paqb theorem, the use of character theory
in studying subgroup
structure and permutation groups, and how
to use representation
theory to investigate molecular vibration.
Each chapter features
a variety of exercises, with full solutions
provided at the end
of the book. This will be ideal as a course
text in
representation theory, and in view of the
applications, will be
of interest to chemists and physicists as
well as mathematicians.
Chapter Contents
1. Groups and homomorphisms; 2. Vector spaces
and linear
transformations; 3. Group representations;
4. FG-modules; 5. FG-submodules;
6. Group algebras; 7. FG-homomorphisms; 8.
Mashcke’s theorem; 9.
Schur’s lemma; 10. Irreducible modules and
the group algebra;
11. More on the group algebra; 12. Conjugacy
classes; 13.
Characters; 14. Inner products of characters;
15. The number of
irreducible characters; 16. Character tables
and orthogonality
relations; 17. Normal subgroups and lifted
characters; 18. Some
elementary character tables; 19. Tensor products;
20. Restriction
to a subgroup; 21. Induced modules and characters;
22. Algebraic
integers; 23. Real representations; 24. Summary
of properties of
character tables; 25. Characters of groups
of order pq; 26.
Characters of some p-groups; 27. Character
table of the simple
group of order 168; 28. Character table of
GL(2,q); 29.
Permutations and characters; 30. Applications
to group theory; 31.
Burnside’s theorem; 32. An application of
representation theory
to molecular vibration.
ISBN: 0-521-81205-4
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 0-521-00392-X
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 472
Weight: 0kg
Figures: 28 line diagrams 163 tables
available from October 2001
Frank S. Levin
An Introduction to Quantum Theory
Underpinning the axiomatic formulation of
quantum theory
presented in this undergraduate textbook
is a review of early
experiments, a comparison of classical and
quantal terminology, a
Schroedinger-equation treatment of the one-dimensional
box, and a survey of relevant mathematics.
Among the many
concepts comprehensively discussed are: operators;
state vectors
and wave functions; experimental observables;
connections; and symmetry properties. The
theory is applied to a
wide variety of systems including the non-relativistic
external electromagnetic fields, and spin
_. Collisions are
described using wave packets. Various time-dependent
and time-independent
approximations are discussed; applications
electromagnetic transition rates and corrections
to the H-atom
energies. The final chapter deals with identical-particle
symmetries and their application to the He
atom, the Periodic
Table and diatomic molecules. There are also
brief treatments of
advanced subjects such as gauge invariance
and hidden variables.
Chapter Contents
Preface; Part I. Introductory: 1. The need
for a non-classical
description of microscopic phenomena; 2.
Classical concepts and
quantal inequivalencies; 3. Introducing quantum
mechanics: a
comparison of the classical stretched string
and the quantal box;
4. Mathematical background; Part II. The
Central Concepts: 5. The
postulates of quantum mechanics; 6. Applications
of the
postulates: bound states in one dimension;
7. Applications of the
postulates: continuum states in one dimension;
8. Quantal/classical
connections; 9. Commuting operators, quantum
numbers, symmetry
properties; Part III. Systems with Few Degrees
of Freedom: 10.
Orbital angular momentum; 11. Two-particle
systems, potential-well
bound state problems; 12. Electromagnetic
fields; 13. Intrinsic
spin, two-state systems; 14. Generalized
angular momentum and the
coupling of angular momenta; 15. Three-dimensional
states/scattering; Part IV. Complex Systems:
16. Time-dependent
approximation methods; 17. Time-independent
methods; 18. Many degrees of freedom: atoms
and molecules;
Appendix A. Elements of probability theory;
Appendix B. Fourier
series and integrals; Appendix C. Solution
of Legendre's
equation; Appendix D. Fundamental and derived
conversion factors; References.
ISBN: 0-521-59161-9
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 0-521-59841-9
Binding: Paperback -
Pages: 816
Figures: 263 line diagrams 2 tables
available from December 2001
Glenn Fulford, Philip Broadbridge
Industrial Mathematics
Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series
The focus in this text is on mathematical
modelling stimulated by
contemporary industrial problems involving
heat conduction and
mass diffusion. These include continuous
metal casting, laser
drilling, spontaneous combustion of industrial
waste, water
filtration and crop irrigation. The industrial
problems prove to
be an excellent setting for the introduction
and reinforcement of
modelling skills, equation solving techniques,
understanding of partial differential equations
and their
dynamical properties. Mathematical topics
include setting up
partial differential equations and boundary
dimensional analysis, scaling, perturbation
expansions, boundary
valuer problems, Fourier series, symmetry
reductions, Stefan
problems and bifurcations. For students of
engineering, or any other related discipline,
this will be a
great introduction to modelling the real
Chapter Contents
1. Preliminaries; 2. Case study: continuous
casting; 3. Case
study: water filtration; 4. Case study: laser
drilling; 5. Case
study: factory fires; 6. Case study: irrigation;
7. Conclusions.
ISBN: 0-521-80717-4
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 0-521-00181-1
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 220
available from January 2002
Edited by Andrew Pressley
Quantum Groups and Lie Theory
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note
Series, vol.290.
Susumu Ariki, Edwin Beggs, Roger Carter,
Robert Marsh, Vyjayanthi
Chari, Andrew Pressley, Bernhard Drabant,
Pavel Etingof, Olivier
Schiffmann, K. R. Goodearl, Iain Gordon,
Jintai Ding, Timothy J.
Hodges, Shahn Majid, Ian M. Musson, Deepak
Parashar, Roger J.
McDermott, Hans Wenzl
Since its genesis in the early 1980s, the
subject of quantum
groups has grown rapidly. By the late 1990s
most of the
foundational issues had been resolved and
many of the outstanding
problems clearly formulated. To take stock
and to discuss the
most fruitful directions for future research
many of the world's
leading figures in this area met at the Durham
Symposium on
Quantum Groups in the summer of 1999, and
this volume provides an
excellent overview of the material presented
there. It includes
important surveys of both cyclotomic Hecke
algebras and the
dynamical Yang-Baxter equation. Plus contributions
which treat
the construction and classification of quantum
groups or the
associated solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter
equation. The
representation theory of quantum groups is
discussed, as is the
function algebra approach to quantum groups,
and there is a new
look at the origins of quantum groups in
the theory of integrable
Chapter Contents
Introduction; 1. Lectures on cyclotomic Hecke
algebras Susumu
Ariki; 2. An introduction to group doublecross
products and some
uses Edwin Beggs; 3. Canonical bases and
combinatorics Roger Carter and Robert Marsh;
4. Integrable and
Weyl modules for quantum affine sl2 Vyjayanthi
Chari and Andrew
Pressley; 5. Notes on balanced categories
and Hopf algebras
Bernhard Drabant; 6. Lectures on the dynamical
equations Pavel Etingof and Olivier Schiffmann;
7. Quantized
primitive ideal spaces as quotients of affine
algebraic varieties
K. R. Goodearl; 8. Representations of semisimple
Lie algebras in
positive characteristic and quantum groups
at roots of unity Iain
Gordon; 9. The Yang-Baxter equation for operators
on function
fields Jintai Ding and Timothy J. Hodges;
10. Noncommutative
differential geometry and twisting of quantum
groups Shahn Majid;
11. Finite quantum group and pointed Hopf
algebras Ian M. Musson;
12. On some two parameter quantum and Jordanian
deformations, and
their coloured extensions Deepak Parashar
and Roger J. McDermott;
13. Tensor categories and braid representations
Hans Wenzl.
ISBN: 0-521-01040-3
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 228
Figures: 22 line diagrams