Kallenberg, O., University of Auburn, AL, USA
Foundations of Modern Probability, 2nd ed.
2002. Approx. 650 pp. Hardcover
From the reviews of the first editions: "...
present book would have to qualify as the
assimilation of
probability par excellence. It is a great
edifice of material,
clearly and ingeniously presented, without
any non-mathematical
distractions. Readers wishing to venture
into it may do so with
confidence that they are in very capable
hands." F.B.
Knight, Mathematical Reviews
"...Indeed the monograph has the potential
to become a (possibly
even "the") major reference book
on large parts of
probability theory for the next decade or
more." M.
Scheutzow, Zentralblatt
"The theory of probability has grown
exponentially during
the second half of the twentieth century
and the idea of writing
a single volume that could serve as a general
reference for much
of the modern theory seems almost foolhardy.
Yet this is
precisely what Professor Kallenberg has attempted
in the volume
under review and he has accomplished it brilliantly...It
astonishing that a single volume of just
over five hundred pages
could contain so much material presented
with complete rigor and
still be at least formally self-contained..."
R.K. Getoor,
This new edition contains four new chapters
as well as numerous
improvements throughout the text.
Olav Kallenberg was educated in Sweden, where
he received his Ph.D.
in 1972 from Chalmers University. After teaching
for many years
at Swedish universities, he moved in 1985
to the U.S., where he
is currently a Professor of Mathematics at
Auburn University. He
is known for his book "Random Measures"
(4th edition,
1986) and for numerous research papers in
all areas of
probability. In 1977, he was the second recipient
ever of the
prestigious Rollo Davidson Prize from Cambridge
University. In
1991-94, he served as the Editor-in-Chief
of "Probability
Theory and Related Fields."
From the reviews of the first editions: "...
present book would have to qualify as the
assimilation of
probability par excellence. It is a great
edifice of material,
clearly and ingeniously presented, without
any non-mathematical
distractions. Readers wishing to venture
into it may do so with
confidence that they are in very capable
hands." F.B.
Knight, Mathematical Reviews
"...Indeed the monograph has the potential
to become a (possibly
even "the") major reference book
on large parts of
probability theory for the next decade or
more." M.
Scheutzow, Zentralblatt
"The theory of probability has grown
exponentially during
the second half of the twentieth century
and the idea of writing
a single volume that could serve as a general
reference for much
of the modern theory seems almost foolhardy.
Yet this is
precisely what Professor Kallenberg has attempted
in the volume
under review and he has accomplished it brilliantly...It
astonishing that a single volume of just
over five hundred pages
could contain so much material presented
with complete rigor and
still be at least formally self-contained..."
R.K. Getoor,
Contents: Measure Theory-Basic Notions *
Measure Theory-Key
Results.- Processes, Distributions, and Independence.-
Sequences, Series, and Averages.- Characteristic
Functions and
Classical Limit Theorems.- Conditioning and
Martingales and Optional Times.- Markov Processes
and Discrete-Time
Chains.- Random Walks and Renewal Theory.-
Stationary Processes
and Ergodic Theory.- Special Notions of Symmetry
and Invariance.-
Poisson and Pure Jump- Type Markov Processes.-
Gaussian Processes
and Brownian Motion.- Skorohod Embedding
and Invariance
Principles.- Independent Increments and Infinite
Convergence of Random Processes, Measures,
and Sets.- Stochastic
Integrals and Quadratic Variation.- Continuous
Martingales and
Brownian Motion.- Feller Processes and Semigroups.-
Properties of Markov Processes.- Stochastic
Equations and Martingale Problems.- Local
Time, Excursions, and
Additive Functionals.- One-Dimensional SDEs
and Diffusions.-
Connections with PDEs and Potential Theory.-
Compensation, and Excessive Functions.- Semimartingales
General Stochastic Integration.- Large Deviations.-
Appendix 1:
Series: Probability and its Applications.
Lang, S., Yale University, New Haven, CT,
Short Calculus
The Original Edition of "A First Course
in Calculus"
Reprint of the 1st ed. Addison-Wesley, 1964.
2001. Approx. 260 pp. 30 figs. Softcover
This is a reprint of "A First Course
in Calculus,"
which has gone through five editions since
the early sixties. It
covers all the topics traditionally taught
in the first-year
calculus sequence in a brief and elementary
fashion. As
sociological and educational conditions have
evolved in various
ways over the past four decades, it has been
found worthwhile to
make the original edition available again.
The audience consists
of those taking the first calculus course,
in high school or
college. The approach is the one which was
successful decades
ago, involving clarity, and adjusted to a
time when the
students'background was not as substantial
as it might be. We are
now back to those times, so its time to start
over again. There
are no epsilon-deltas, but this does not
imply that the book is
not rigorous. Lang learned this attitude
from Emil Artin, around
Keywords: Calculus
"...Lang's present book is a source
of interesting ideas and
brilliant techniques."
Acta Scientarium Mathematicarum
"... It is an admirable straightforward
introduction to
Contents: Numbers and Functions.- Graphs
and Curves.- The
Derivative.- Sine and Cosine.- The Mean Value
Theorem.- Sketching
Curves.- Inverse Functions.- Exponents and
Integration.- Properties of the Integral.-
Techniques of
Integration.- Some Substantial Exercises.-
Applications of
Integration.- Taylor's Formula.- Series.-
Appendix 1. Epsilon and
Delta.- Appendix 2. Physics and Mathematics.-
Answers.- Index.
Series: Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
Stillwell, J., Monash University, Clayton, VIC,
Mathematics and its History, 2nd ed
2002. Approx. 520 pp. 177 figs. Hardcover
From the reviews of the first edition: "There
are many books
on the history of mathematics in which mathematics
subordinated to history. This is a book in
which history is
definitely subordinated to mathematics. It
can be described as a
collection of critical historical essays
dealing with a large
variety of mathematical disciplines and issues,
and intended for
a broad audience...we know of no book on
mathematics and its
history that covers half as much nonstandard
material. Even when
dealing with standard material, Stillwell
manages to dramatize it
and to make it worth rethinking. In short,
his book is a splendid
addition to the genre of works that build
royal roads to
mathematical culture for the many."
"The discussion is at a deep enough
level that I suspect
most trained mathematicians will find much
that they do not know,
as well as good intuitive explanations of
familiar facts. The
careful exposition, lightness of touch, and
the absence of
technicalities should make the book accessible
to most senior
undergraduates." American Mathematical
"...The book is a treasure, which deserves
wide adoption as
a text and much consultation by historians
and mathematicians
alike." Physis - Revista Internazionale
di Storia della
"A beautiful little book, certain to
be treasured by several
generations of mathematics lovers, by students
and teachers so
enlightened as to think of mathematics not
as a forest of
technical details but as the beautiful coherent
creation of a
richly diverse population of extraordinary
people...His writing
is so luminous as to engage the interest
of utter novices, yet so
dense with particulars as to stimulate the
imagination of
professionals." Book News, Inc.
This second edition includes new chapters
on Chinese and Indian
number theory, on hypercomplex numbers, and
on algebraic number
theory. Many more exercises have been added,
as well as
commentary to the exercises expalining how
they relate to the
preceding section, and how they foreshadow
later topics. The
index has been given added structure to make
searching easier,
the references have been redone, and hundreds
of minor
improvements have been made throughout the
Keywords: History of Mathematics
From the reviews of the first edition:
"There are many books on the history
of mathematics in which
mathematics is subordinated to history. This
is a book in which
history is definitely subordinated to mathematics.
It can be
described as a collection of critical historical
essays dealing
with a large variety of mathematical disciplines
and issues, and
intended for a broad audience...we know of
no book on mathematics
and its history that covers half as much
nonstandard material.
Even when dealing with standard material,
Stillwell manages to
dramatize it and to make it worth rethinking.
In short, his book
is a splendid addition to the genre of works
that build royal
roads to mathematical culture for the many."
Mathematical Intelligencer
"The discussion is at a deep enough
level that I suspect
most trained mathematicians will find much
that they do not know,
as well as good intuitive explanations of
familiar facts. The
careful exposition, lightness of touch, and
the absence of
technicalities should make the book accessible
to most senior
undergraduates." American Mathematical
"...The book is a treasure, which deserves
wide adoption as
a text and much consultation by historians
and mathematicians
alike." Physis - Revista Internazionale
di Storia della
"A beautiful little book, certain to
be treasured by several
generations of mathematics lovers, by students
and teachers so
enlightened as to think of mathematics not
as a forest of
technical details but as the beautiful coherent
creation of a
richly diverse population of extraordinary
people...His writing
is so luminous as to engage the interest
of utter novices, yet so
dense with particulars as to stimulate the
imagination of
professionals." Book News, Inc.
Contents: The Theorem of Pythagoras.- Greek
Geometry.- Greek
Number Theory.- Infinity in Greek Mathematics.-
Number Theory in
Asia.- Polynomial Equations.- Analytic Geometry.-
Geometry.- Calculus.- Infinite Series.- The
Revival of Number
Theory.- Elliptic Functions.- Mechanics.-
Complex Numbers in
Algebra.- Complex Numbers and Curves.- Complex
Numbers and
Functions.- Differential Geometry.- Noneuclidean
Geometry.- Group
Theory.- Hypercomplex Numbers.- Algebraic
Number Theory.-
Topology.- Sets, Logic, and Computation.-
Bibliography.- Index.
Series: Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics.
Aubert, G., University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Nice, France
Kornprobst, P., INRIA, Sophia Antipolis,
Mathematical Problems in Image Processing
Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus
of Variations
2001. Approx. 315 pp. 93 figs. Hardcover
Partial differential equations and variational
methods were
introduced into image processing about 15
years ago, and
intensive research has been carried out since
then. The main goal
of this work is to present the variety of
image analysis
applications and the precise mathematics
involved. It is intended
for two audiences. The first is the mathematical
community, to
show the contribution of mathematics to this
domain and to
highlight some unresolved theoretical questions.
The second is
the computer vision community, to present
a clear, self-contained,
and global overview of the mathematics involved
in image
processing problems.
The book is divided into five main parts.
Chapter 1 is a detailed
overview. Chapter 2 describes and illustrates
most of the
mathematical notions found throughout the
work. Chapters 3 and 4
examine how PDEs and variational methods
can be successfully
applied in image restoration and segmentation
processes. Chapter
5, which is more applied, describes some
challenging computer
vision problems, such as sequence analysis
or classification.
This book will be useful to researchers and
graduate students in
mathematics and computer vision.
Keywords: Image Processing, Partial Differential
Equations, PDE,
Calculus of Variations, PDEs in image processing,
methods in image processing, image analysis
Contents: Introduction.- Mathematical Preliminaries.-
Restoration.- The Segmentation Problem.-
Other Challenging
Applications.- Appendices.
Series: Applied Mathematical Sciences. VOL.
Chaitin, G.J., IBM Research Division, Hawthorne,
Conversations with a Mathematician
Math, Art, Science and the Limits of Reason
2002. VII, 158 pp. Hardcover
G. J. Chaitin is at the IBM Thomas J. Watson
Research Center in
New York. He has shown that God plays dice
not only in quantum
mechanics, but even in the foundations of
mathematics, where
Chaitin discovered mathematical facts that
are true for no
reason, that are true by accident. This book
collects his most
wide-ranging and non-technical lectures and
interviews, and it
will be of interest to anyone concerned with
the philosophy of
mathematics, with the similarities and differences
physics and mathematics, or with the creative
process and
mathematics as an art.
"Chaitin has put a scratch on the rock
of eternity."
Jacob T. Schwartz, Courant Institute, New
York University, USA
"(Chaitin is) one of the great ideas
men of mathematics and
computer science."
Marcus Chown, author of The Magic Furnace,
"Finding the right formalization is
a large component of the
art of doing great mathematics."
John Casti, author of Mathematical Mountaintops,
on Godel, Turing
and Chaitin in NATURE
"What mathematicians over the centuries
- from the ancients,
through Pascal, Fermat, Bernoulli, and de
Moivre, to Kolmogorov
and Chaitin - have discovered, is that it
ArandomnessU is a
profoundly rich concept."
Contents: A Century of Controversy over the
foundations of
mathematics.- How to be a mathematician.-
The creative life:
science vs art.- Algorithmic information
theory and the
foundations of mathematics.- Randomness in
arithmetic.- The
reason for my life.- Undecidability and randomness
in pure
mathematics.- Math, science and fantasy.-
Sensual mathematics.-
Final thoughts.