Sun-Yung A. Chang and Paul C. Yang, Princeton University, NJ, Karsten Grove, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Jon G. Wolfson, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, and edited by Alexandre Freire, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Conformal, Riemannian and Lagrangian Geometry:
The 2000 Barrett Lectures

Expected publication date is August 14, 2002


Recent developments in topology and analysis have led to the creation of new lines of investigation in differential geometry. The 2000 Barrett Lectures present the background, context and main techniques of three such lines by means of surveys by leading researchers.

The first chapter (by Alice Chang and Paul Yang) introduces new classes of conformal geometric invariants, and then applies powerful techniques in nonlinear differential equations to derive results on compactifications of manifolds and on Yamabe-type variational problems for these invariants. This is followed by Karsten Grove's lectures, which focus on the use of isometric group actions and metric geometry techniques to understand new examples and classification results in Riemannian geometry, especially in connection with positive curvature. The chapter written by Jon Wolfson introduces the emerging field of Lagrangian variational problems, which blends in novel ways the structures of symplectic geometry and the techniques of the modern calculus of variations.

The lectures provide an up-do-date overview and an introduction to the research literature in each of their areas. This very readable introduction should prove useful to graduate students and researchers in differential geometry and geometric analysis.


S.-Y. A. Chang and P. C. Yang -- Partial differential equations related to the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern integrand on 4-manifolds
K. Grove -- Geometry of, and via, symmetries
J. G. Wolfson -- Lagrangian cycles and volume


Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: University Lecture Series, Volume: 27
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-3210-7
Paging: 85 pp.
Binding: Softcover

M. Ram Murty, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada

Introduction to p-adic Analytic Number Theory


This book is an elementary introduction to p-adic analysis from the number theory perspective. With over 100 exercises included, it will acquaint the non-expert to the basic ideas of the theory and encourage the novice to enter this fertile field of research.

The main focus of the book is the study of p-adic L-functions and their analytic properties. It begins with a basic introduction to Bernoulli numbers and continues with establishing the Kummer congruences. These congruences are then used to construct the p-adic analog of the Riemann zeta function and p-adic analogs of Dirichlet's L-functions. Featured is a chapter on how to apply the theory of Newton polygons to determine Galois groups of polynomials over the rational number field. As motivation for further study, the final chapter introduces Iwasawa theory.

The book treats the subject informally, making the text accessible to non-experts. It would make a nice independent text for a course geared toward advanced undergraduates through beginning graduate students.

Titles in this series are copublished with International Press, Cambridge, MA.


Historical introduction
Bernoulli numbers
p-adic numbers
Hensel's lemma
p-adic interpolation
p-adic L-functions
p-adic integration
Leopoldt's formula for L_p(1,chi)
Newton polygons
An introduction to Iwasawa theory


Publisher: American Mathematical Society, International Press
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Volume: 27
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-3262-X
Paging: 149 pp.
Binding: Hardcover

I. B. Fesenko, University of Nottingham, England, and S. V. Vostokov, St. Petersburg University, Russia

Local Fields and Their Extensions: Second Edition

Reviews of the Previous Edition:

"It is remarkable to see just how far the subject has developed since 1968 ... contains an absolute wealth of material ... this approach is a real success ... results are obtained with a minimum of fuss, so that the story unfolds rather quickly and holds the reader's interest ... a copious supply of well-structured exercises ... most certainly a valuable addition to the literature ... carefully written and well-presented state of the art account of local fields, which contains much ... of interest to the expert and non-expert alike ... its appeal should go well beyond the usual public of number theorists."
-- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society


This book offers a modern exposition of the arithmetical properties of local fields using explicit and constructive tools and methods. It has been ten years since the publication of the first edition, and, according to Mathematical Reviews, 1,000 papers on local fields have been published during that period. This edition incorporates improvements to the first edition, with 60 additional pages reflecting several aspects of the developments in local number theory.

The volume consists of four parts: elementary properties of local fields, class field theory for various types of local fields and generalizations, explicit formulas for the Hilbert pairing, and Milnor K-groups of fields and of local fields. The first three parts essentially simplify, revise, and update the first edition. The book includes the following recent topics: Fontaine-Wintenberger theory of arithmetically profinite extensions and fields of norms, explicit noncohomological approach to the reciprocity map with a review of all other approaches to local class field theory, Fesenko's p-class field theory for local fields with perfect residue field, simplified updated presentation of Vostokov's explicit formulas for the Hilbert norm residue symbol, and Milnor K-groups of local fields. Numerous exercises introduce the reader to other important recent results in local number theory, and an extensive bibliography provides a guide to related areas.

The book is geared toward graduate students and research mathematicians interested in local number theory and its applications in arithmetic algebraic geometry.


Complete discrete valuation fields
Extensions of discrete valuation fields
The norm map
Local class field theory I
Local class field theory II
The group of units of local number fields
Explicit formulas for the Hilbert symbol
Explicit formulas for the Hilbert pairing on formal groups
The Milnor K-groups of a local field
List of notations


Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Volume: 121
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-3259-X
Paging: 345 pp.
Binding: Hardcover

V. A. Vassiliev, Independent University of Moscow, Russia, and Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia

Applied Picard-Lefschetz Theory

Expected publication date is November 6, 2002


Many important functions of mathematical physics are defined as integrals depending on parameters. The Picard-Lefschetz theory studies how analytic and qualitative properties of such integrals (regularity, algebraicity, ramification, singular points, etc.) depend on the monodromy of corresponding integration cycles. In this book, V. A. Vassiliev presents several versions of the Picard-Lefschetz theory, including the classical local monodromy theory of singularities and complete intersections, Pham's generalized Picard-Lefschetz formulas, stratified Picard-Lefschetz theory, and also twisted versions of all these theories with applications to integrals of multivalued forms.

The author also shows how these versions of the Picard-Lefschetz theory are used in studying a variety of problems arising in many areas of mathematics and mathematical physics.

In particular, he discusses the following classes of functions:

volume functions arising in the Archimedes-Newton problem of integrable bodies;
Newton-Coulomb potentials;
fundamental solutions of hyperbolic partial differential equations;
multidimensional hypergeometric functions generalizing the classical Gauss hypergeometric integral.
The book is geared toward a broad audience of graduate students, research mathematicians and mathematical physicists interested in algebraic geometry, complex analysis, singularity theory, asymptotic methods, potential theory, and hyperbolic operators.


Local monodromy theory of isolated singularities of functions and complete intersections
Stratified Picard-Lefschetz theory and monodromy of hyperplane sections
Newton's theorem on the non-integrability of ovals
Lacunas and local Petrovskiicondition for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients
Calculation of local Petrovskiicycles and enumeration of local lacunas close to real singularities
Homology of local systems, twisted monodromy theory, and regularization of improper integration cycles
Analytic properties of surface potentials
Multidimensional hypergeometric functions, their ramification, singularities, and resonances


Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Mathematical Surveys and Monographs,Volume: 97
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2948-3
Paging: approximately 352 pp.
Binding: Hardcover

Edited by: Stephen Berman, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Paul Fendley, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Yi-Zhi Huang, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, Kailash Misra, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, and Brian Parshall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Recent Developments in Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras and
Conformal Field Theory

Expected publication date is September 4, 2002


Because of its many applications to mathematics and mathematical physics, the representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie and quantized enveloping algebras comprises an important area of current research. This volume includes articles from the proceedings of an international conference, "Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory and Conformal Field Theory", held at the University of Virginia. Many of the contributors to the volume are prominent researchers in the field.

This conference provided an opportunity for mathematicians and physicists to interact in an active research area of mutual interest. The talks focused on recent developments in the representation theory of affine, quantum affine, and extended affine Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras. They also highlighted applications to conformal field theory, integrable and disordered systems.

Some of the articles are expository and accessible to a broad readership of mathematicians and physicists interested in this area; others are research articles that are appropriate for more advanced readers.


S. Berman, Y. Billig, and J. Szmigielski -- Vertex operator algebras and the representation theory of toroidal algebras
V. Chari and M. Kleber -- Symmetric functions and representations of quantum affine algebras
B. L. Cox -- Two realizations of toroidal mathfrak{sl}_2(mathbb C)
C. Dong, H. Li, and G. Mason -- Vertex Lie algebras, vertex Poisson algebras and vertex algebras
A. J. Feingold and M. D. Weiner -- Type A fusion rules from elementary group theory
J. Fuchs and C. Schweigert -- Lie algebra automorphisms in conformal field theory
Y. Hara, M. Jimbo, H. Konno, S. Odake, and J. Shiraishi -- On Lepowsky-Wilson's mathcal{Z}-algebra
G. Hatayama, A. Kuniba, M. Okado, T. Takagi, and Y. Yamada -- Scattering rules in soliton cellular automata associated with crystal bases
B. M. McCoy -- Algebra versus analysis in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory
A. Milas -- Weak modules and logarithmic intertwining operators for vertex operator algebras
A. Schilling and S. O. Warnaar -- Conjugate Bailey pairs
M. Vazirani -- Irreducibility of affine Hecke algebra modules induced from Specht modules
W. Wang -- Algebraic structures behind Hilbert schemes and wreath products
W. Zhao -- Some generalizations of genus zero two-dimensional conformal field theory


Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Distributor: American Mathematical Society
Series: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 297
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2716-2
Paging: 334 pp.
Binding: Softcover