Alexander Barvinok, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

A Course in Convexity

Expected publication date is December 13, 2002

Convexity is a simple idea that manifests itself in a surprising variety of places. This fertile field has an immensely rich structure and numerous applications. Barvinok demonstrates that simplicity, intuitive appeal, and the universality of applications make teaching (and learning) convexity a gratifying experience. The book will benefit both teacher and student: It is easy to understand, entertaining to the reader, and includes many exercises that vary in degree of difficulty. Overall, the author demonstrates the power of a few simple unifying principles in a variety of pure and applied problems.

The notion of convexity comes from geometry. Barvinok describes here its geometric aspects, yet he focuses on applications of convexity rather than on convexity for its own sake. Mathematical applications range from analysis and probability to algebra to combinatorics to number theory. Several important areas are covered, including topological vector spaces, linear programming, ellipsoids, and lattices. Specific topics of note are optimal control, sphere packings, rational approximations, numerical integration, graph theory, and more. And of course, there is much to say about applying convexity theory to the study of faces of polytopes, lattices and polyhedra, and lattices and convex bodies.

The prerequisites are minimal amounts of linear algebra, analysis, and elementary topology, plus basic computational skills. Portions of the book could be used by advanced undergraduates. As a whole, it is designed for graduate students interested in mathematical methods, computer science, electrical engineering, and operations research. The book will also be of interest to research mathematicians, who will find some results that are recent, some that are new, and many known results that are discussed from a new perspective.


Convex sets at large
Faces and extreme points
Convex sets in topological vector spaces
Polarity, duality and linear programming
Convex bodies and ellipsoids
Faces of polytopes
Lattices and convex bodies
Lattice points and polyhedra


Series: Graduate Studies in Mathematics,Volume: 54
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2968-8
Paging: 366 pp.
Binding: Hardcover

Edited by: Cathleen S. Morawetz, New York University-Courant Institute, NY, James B. Serrin, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, and Yakov G. Sinai, Princeton University, NJ

Selected Works of Eberhard Hopf with Commentaries

Expected publication date is January 12, 2003

This work celebrates the work of Eberhard Hopf, a founding father of ergodic theory, a mathematician who produced many beautiful, elegantly written, and now classical results in integral equations and partial differential equations. Hopf's results remain at the core of these fields, and the title includes Hopf's original mathematical papers, still notable for their elegance and clarity of the writing, with accompanying summaries and commentary by well-known mathematicians.

Today, ergodic theory and P.D.E. continue to be active, important areas of mathematics. In this volume the reader will find the roots of many ergodic theory concepts and theorems. Hopf authored fundamental results for P.D.E., such as the maximum principle of elliptic equations and the complete solution of Burger's equation. The familiar properties of elliptic equations were proved for the first time in his earliest work and are included here. His bifurcation theorem, still used over and over again, is a particular gem. The proof of the Wiener-Hopf Theorem is a stunning application of deep analysis.

The volume is presented in two main parts. The first section is dedicated to classical papers in analysis and fluid dynamics, and the second to ergodic theory.

These works and all the others in the Selected Works carry commentaries by a stellar group of mathematicians who write of the origin of the problems, the important results that followed. Many a mathematical researcher and graduate student will find these collected works to be an excellent resource.

Part I
E. Hopf -- Elementare Bemerkungen uber die Losungen partieller Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung vom elliptischen Typus
J. B. Serrin -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- A remark on linear elliptic differential equations of second order
J. B. Serrin -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Zum analytischen Charakter der Losungen regularer zweidimensionaler Variationsprobleme
H. Weinberger -- Commentary
N. Wiener and E. Hopf -- Uber eine Klasse singularer Integralgleichungen
H. Widom -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Uber den funktionalen, insbesondere den analytischen Charakter der Losungen elliptscher Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung
H. Weinberger -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Abzweigung einer periodischen Losung von einer stationaren Losung eines Differentialsystems
M. Golubitsky and P. H. Rabinowitz -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Repeated branching through loss of stability. An example
E. Hopf -- A mathematical example displaying features of turbulence
R. Temam -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- On S. Bernstein's theorem on surfaces $z(x,y)$ of nonpositive curvature
L. Nirenberg -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- The partial differential equation $u_t + uu_x = \mu_{xx}$
P. D. Lax -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Uber die Anfangswertaufgabe fur die hydrodynamischen Grundgleichungen
J. B. Serrin -- Commentary
E. D. Conway and E. Hopf -- Hamilton's theory and generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
C. S. Morawetz -- Commentary
Part II
E. Hopf -- Statistik der geodatischen Linien in Mannigfaltigkeiten negativer Krummung
E. Hopf -- Statistik der Losungen geodatischer Probleme vom unstabilen Typus. II
Ya. G. Sinai -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Closed surfaces without conjugate points
Ya. G. Sinai -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- Statistical hydromechanics and functional calculus
Ya. G. Sinai -- Commentary
E. Hopf -- On the ergodic theorem for positive linear operators
D. Ornstein -- Commentary


Series: Collected Works Volume: 17
Publication Year: 2003
ISBN: 0-8218-2077-X
Paging: 396 pp.
Binding: Hardcover

Edited by: Alejandro Adem, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, Jack Morava, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and Yongbin Ruan, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics

Expected publication date is December 26, 2002

This book publishes papers originally presented at a conference on the Mathematical Aspects of Orbifold String Theory, hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It contains a great deal of information not fully covered in the published literature and showcases the current state of the art in orbital string theory. The subject of orbifolds has a long prehistory, going back to the work of Thurston and Haefliger, with roots in the theory of manifolds, group actions, and foliations. The recent explosion of activity on the topic has been powered by applications of orbifolds to moduli problems and quantum field theory. The present volume presents an interdisciplinary look at orbifold problems. Topics such as stacks, vertex operator algebras, branes, groupoids, K-theory and quantum cohomology are discussed.

The book reflects the thinking of distinguished investigators working in the areas of mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, symplectic geometry and representation theory. By presenting the work of a broad range of mathematicians and physicists who use and study orbifolds, it familiarizes readers with the various points of view and types of results the researchers bring to the subject.


D. Abramovich, T. Graber, and A. Vistoli -- Algebraic orbifold quantum products
W. Chen and Y. Ruan -- Orbifold Gromov-Witten theory
C. Dong, K. Liu, and X. Ma -- On orbifold elliptic genus
T. Graber and E. Zaslow -- Open-string Gromov-Witten invariants: Calculations and a mirror "theorem"
T. J. Jarvis and T. Kimura -- Orbifold quantum cohomology of the classifying space of a finite group
R. M. Kaufmann -- Orbifold Frobenius algebras, cobordisms and monodromies
E. Lupercio and B. Uribe -- Loop groupoids, Gerbes, and twisted sectors on orbifolds
M. Marino and C. Vafa -- Framed knots at large $N$
I. Moerdijk -- Orbifolds as groupoids: An introduction
M. Poddar -- Orbifold cohomology group of toric varieties
Z. Qin and W. Wang -- Hilbert schemes and symmetric products: A dictionary
Y. Ruan -- Stringy orbifolds
E. Sharpe -- Discrete torsion, quotient stacks, and string orbifolds
K. Wendland -- Orbifold constructions of $K3$: A link between conformal field theory and geometry


Series: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 310
Publication Year: 2003
ISBN: 0-8218-2990-4
Paging: approximately 368 pp.
Binding: Softcover

Edited by: Clifford J. Earle, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, William J. Harvey, King's College, London, England, and Sevin Recillas-Pishmish, Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Morelia, Mexico

Complex Manifolds and Hyperbolic Geometry

Expected publication date is December 7, 2002

This volume derives from the second Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry, held in 2001 in Mexico at the Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas A.C., an internationally recognized program of research in pure mathematics. The conference topics were chosen with an eye toward the presentation of new methods, recent results, and the creation of more interconnections between the different research groups working in complex manifolds and hyperbolic geometry. This volume reflects both the unity and the diversity of these subjects.

Researchers around the globe have been working on problems concerning Riemann surfaces, as well as a wide scope of other issues: the theory of Teichmuller spaces, theta functions, algebraic geometry and classical function theory.

Included here are discussions revolving around questions of geometry that are related in one way or another to functions of a complex variable. There are contributors on Riemann surfaces, hyperbolic geometry, Teichmuller spaces, and quasiconformal maps.

Complex geometry has many applications--triangulations of surfaces, combinatorics, ordinary differential equations, complex dynamics, and the geometry of special curves and jacobians, among others. In this book, research mathematicians in complex geometry, hyperbolic geometry and Teichmuller spaces will find a selection of strong papers by international experts.


A. M. Bonifant and M. Dabija -- Self-maps of ${\mathbb P}^2$ with invariant elliptic curves
J. F. Brock -- Pants decompositions and the Weil-Petersson metric
A. Carocca, S. Recillas, and R. E. Rodriguez -- Dihedral groups acting on Jacobians
C. J. Earle -- Schwarz's lemma and Teichmuller contraction
C. J. Earle, V. Markovic, and D. Saric -- Barycentric extension and the Bers embedding for asymptotic Teichmuller space
A. L. Epstein -- Symmetric rigidity for real polynomials with real critical points
H. M. Farkas and I. Kra -- On theta constant identities and the evaluation of trigonometric sums
A. Gamburd and E. Makover -- On the genus of a random Riemann surface
F. P. Gardiner, J. Hu, and N. Lakic -- Earthquake curves
F. P. Gardiner and N. Lakic -- Efficient smooth quasiconformal mappings
T. M. Gendron -- The Ehrenpreis conjecture and the moduli-rigidity gap
J. Gilman and L. Keen -- Word sequences and intersection numbers
L. Giraldo and X. Gomez-Mont -- A law of conservation of number for local Euler characteristics
G. Gonzalez-Diez and W. J. Harvey -- On families of algebraic curves with automorphisms
R. A. Hidalgo -- Real surfaces, Riemann matrices and algebraic curves
N. Lakic and S. Mitra -- Approximation by meromorphic quadratic differentials
B. Maskit -- On the topology of classical Schottky space
R. Silhol -- Hyperbolic lego and algebraic curves in genus 2 and 3
P. Susskind -- The Margulis region and continued fractions


Series: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 311
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0-8218-2957-2
Paging: 343 pp.
Binding: Softcover

Edited by: A. J. Berrick, Man Chun Leung, and Xingwang Xu, National University of Singapore

Topology and Geometry: Commemorating SISTAG

Expected publication date is December 20, 2002

This book presents nineteen refereed articles written by participants in the Singapore International Symposium in Topology and Geometry (SISTAG), held July 2-6, 2001, at the National University of Singapore. Beyond being a simple snapshot of the meeting in the form of a proceedings, it serves as a commemorative volume consisting of papers selected to show the diversity and depth of the mathematics presented at SISTAG.

The book presents articles on low-dimensional topology, algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, and algebraic topology. While papers reflect the focus of the conference, many documents written after SISTAG and included in this volume represent the latest thinking in the fields of topology and geometry. While representation from Pacific Rim countries is strong, the list of contributors is international in scope and includes many recognized experts.

This volume is of interest to graduate students and mathematicians working in the fields of algebraic geometry, differential geometry, geometric topology, low-dimensional topology, algebraic topology, symplectic geometry and mathematical physics.


A. G. Aleksandrov -- Moduli of logarithmic connections along a free divisor
S. Altinok, G. Brown, and M. Reid -- Fano 3-folds, K3 surfaces and graded rings
I. Bokor -- A notion of connected sum for certain $CW$-complexes
Y. S. Cho -- The cohomology ring of $S^2$-fibrations
C. M. Gordon -- Links and their complements
B. Hassett and Y. Tschinkel -- On the effective cone and the moduli space of pointed rational curves
J. A. Hillman -- On 4-dimensional mapping tori
W. Jaco, D. Letscher, and J. H. Rubinstein -- Algorithms for essential surfaces in 3-manifolds
D. Joyce -- On counting special Lagrangian homology 3-spheres
Y. Kamiya and K. Shimomura -- $E_*$-homology spheres for a connective spectrum $E$
B. H. Lian, K. Liu, and S.-T. Yau -- Some applications of mirror principle
R. Mazzeo and F. Pacard -- Bifurcating nodoids
M. McQuillan -- Formal formal schemes
Y.-G. Oh -- Holomorphic volume preserving maps and special Lagrangian submanifolds
S. Pan -- On a new curve evolution problem in the plane
C. Shen and F. Wang -- Some applications of the theory of critical points
Y.-B. Shen -- On complete submanifolds with parallel mean curvature in $R^{n+p}$
Y. Yu and J. Zhou -- Semi-classical asymptotics
D.-Q. Zhang -- On endomorphisms of algebraic surfaces


Series: Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 314
Publication Year: 2003
ISBN: 0-8218-2820-7
Paging: 263 pp.
Binding: Softcover