Knapp, Anthony W.

Basic Algebra

Series: Cornerstones
2006, XXII, 717 p., 42 illus., Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0-8176-3248-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8176-3248-9

About this textbook

Basic Algebra and Advanced Algebra systematically develop concepts and tools in algebra that are vital to every mathematician, whether pure or applied, aspiring or established. Together, the two books give the reader a global view of algebra and its role in mathematics as a whole.

Key topics and features of Basic Algebra:

・Linear algebra and group theory build on each other continually
・Chapters on modern algebra treat groups, rings, fields, modules, and Galois groups, with emphasis on methods of computation   throughout
・Three prominent themes recur and blend together at times: the analogy between integers and polynomials in one variable over  a field, the interplay between linear algebra and group theory, and the relationship between number theory and geometry
・Many examples and hundreds of problems are included, along with a separate 90-page section giving hints or complete  solutions for most of the problems
・The exposition proceeds from the particular to the general, often providing examples well before a theory that incorporates  them; includes blocks of problems that introduce additional topics and applications for further study
・Applications to science and engineering (e.g., the fast Fourier transform, the theory of error-correcting codes, the use of  the Jordan canonical form in solving linear systems of ordinary differential equations, and constructions of interest in  mathematical physics) appear in sequences of problems

Basic Algebra presents the subject matter in a forward-looking way that takes into account its historical development. It is suitable as a text in a two-semester advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate sequence in algebra, possibly supplemented by some material from Advanced Algebra at the graduate level. It requires of the reader only familiarity with matrix algebra, an understanding of the geometry and reduction of linear equations, and an acquaintance with proofs.

Table of contents

Contents.- Preface.- Guide for the Reader.- Preliminaries about the Integers, Polynomials, and Matrices.- Vector Spaces over Q, R, and C.- Inner-Product Spaces.- Groups and Group Actions.- Theory of a Single Linear Transformation.- Multilinear Algebra.- Advanced Group Theory.- Commutative Rings and Their Modules.- Fields and Galois Theory.- Modules over Noncommutative Rings.- Appendix.- Index.

Bogachev, Vladimir I.

Measure Theory, 2 vols.

2006, XX, 1075 p., Hardcover
ISBN-10: 3-540-34513-2
ISBN-13: 978-3-540-34513-8

About this book

Measure theory is a classical area of mathematics born more than two thousand years ago. Nowadays it continues intensive development and has fruitful connections with most other fields of mathematics as well as important applications in physics.

This book gives an exposition of the foundations of modern measure theory and offers three levels of presentation: a standard university graduate course, an advanced study containing some complements to the basic course (the material of this level corresponds to a variety of special courses), and, finally, more specialized topics partly covered by more than 850 exercises.

Volume 1 (Chapters 1-5) is devoted to the classical theory of measure and integral. Whereas the first volume presents the ideas that go back mainly to Lebesgue, the second volume (Chapters 6-10) is to a large extent the result of the later development up to the recent years. The central subjects in Volume 2 are: transformations of measures, conditional measures, and weak convergence of measures. These three topics are closely interwoven and form the heart of modern measure theory.

The organization of the book does not require systematic reading from beginning to end; in particular, almost all sections in the supplements are independent of each other and are directly linked only to specific sections of the main part.

The target readership includes graduate students interested in deeper knowledge of measure theory, instructors of courses in measure and integration theory, and researchers in all fields of mathematics. The book may serve as a source for many advanced courses or as a reference.

Table of contents

Volume 1: Constructions and extensions of measures.- The Lebesgue integral.- Operations on measures and functions.- The spaces L^p and spaces of measures.- Connections between the integral and derivative. Volume 2: Borel, Baire and Souslin sets.- Measures on topological spaces.- Weak convergence of measures.- Transformations of measures and isomorphisms.- Conditional measures and conditional expectations.- Bibliographical and Historical Comments.- References.- Author Index.- Subject Index.

Aletti, G.; Burger, M.; Micheletti, A.; Morale, D. (Eds.)

Math Everywhere

Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling in Biomedicine, Economics and Industry
Dedicated to the 60th Birthday of Vincenzo Capasso

2006, XVIII, 343 p., 64 illus., 8 in colour, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 3-540-44445-9
ISBN-13: 978-3-540-44445-9

About this book

These proceedings are reporting on the conference ''Math Everywhere", a successful event celebrating a leading scientist, promoting ideas he pursued and sharing the open atmosphere he is known for. The broad spectrum of contributions to this volume illustrates that its title is correct. The areas of the contributions are the following: Deterministic and Stochastic Systems. Mathematical Problems in Biology, Medicine and Ecology. Mathematical Problems in Industry and Economics.

Disciplinarity is basic for interdisciplinarity. This statement seems to be trivial, however, everyone, not influenced by fashionable trends and buzzwords entering more and more also science, will find out that it is nontrivial at all in practice. Competence in mathematics and the field of application are both needed. The relevance of mathematical theory is getting more obvious the more one faces the challenges of real life applications. It is a well-known fact that mathematical modelling of real problems very often leads to frontiers of mathematical theory and requires new mathematical methods. This conference combined competence in mathematical theory and methods with competence in the fields of applications.

Table of contents

Louise Nyssen (Universite Montpellier, France), Editor

Physics and Number Theory

IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Vol. 10
ISBN 978-3-03719-028-9
October 2006, 276 pages, softcover, 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm.

There is a rich and historical relationship between theoretical physics and number theory. This volume presents a selection of problems which are currently in full development and inspire a lot of research going on. Each of the seven contributions starts with an introductory survey which makes it possible even for non-specialists to understand the results and to gain an idea of the great variety of subjects and techniques used.

Topics covered are: phase locking in oscillating systems, crystallography, Hopf algebras and renormalisation theory, Zeta-function and random matrices, Kloosterman sums and the local Langlands correspondence.

Intended for research mathematicians and theoretical physicists as well as graduate students, this volume gives an overview of recent developments in an exciting subject crossing several disciplines

Table of contents

Autor(en): Sigmund, Karl / Dawson, John / Muhlberger, Kurt

Kurt Godel
Das Album - The Album

2006. 225 S. Mit 200 Abb.Mit einem Geleitwort von Hans Magnus Enzensberger Geb.
ISBN: 978-3-8348-0173-9 - Sofort lieferbar

Godel fur Genieser - eine besonders anschauliche Einfuhrung in sein Leben und Werk mit vielen Abbildungen

Time Magazine reihte ihn unter die hundert wichtigsten Personen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Die Harvard University verlieh ihm das Ehrendoktorat fur die Entdeckung "der bedeutsamsten mathematischen Wahrheit des Jahrhunderts". Er gilt allgemein als der groste Logiker seit Aristoteles. Sein Freund Einstein ging, nach eigener Aussage, nur deshalb ans Institut, um Godel auf dem Heimweg begleiten zu durfen. Und John von Neumann, einer der Vater des Computers, schrieb: "Godel ist tatsachlich absolut unersetzlich. Er ist der einzige Mathematiker, von dem ich das zu behaupten wage."
Dieses Buch ist eine leichtverdauliche, einfache und anschauliche Einfuhrung in Godels Leben und Werk, gedacht fur jene, die sich fur die menschlichen und kulturellen Aspekte der Wissenschaft interessieren. Ausgangspunkt des Buches waren die Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausstellung uber Kurt Godel aus Anlass seines hundertsten Geburtstags. Eine Ausstellung hat etwas von einem Spaziergang an sich, und gerade das wollen wir bieten: einen Spaziergang mit Godel. Albert Einstein genoss solche Spaziergange sehr. Man kann also Godel geniesen.

Time Magazine ranked him among the hundred most important persons of the twentieth century. Harvard University made him an honorary doctor "for the discovery of the most significant mathematical truth of the century". He is generally viewed as the greatest logician since Aristotle. His friend Einstein liked to say that he only went to the institute to have the privilege of walking back home with Kurt Godel. And John von Neumann, one of the fathers of the computer, wrote: "Indeed Godel is absolutely irreplaceable. He is the only mathematician about whom I dare make this assertion."
This book wants to give a simple, intuitive and easily digestible introduction to Godel's life and work, meant for readers interested in the human and cultural aspects of science. Its starting point were the preparations for an exhibition on Kurt Godel, on occasion of his hundredth

Giuseppe Della Sala, Alberto Saracco, Alexandru Simioniuc and Giuseppe Tomassini

Lectures on complex analysis and analytic geometry

This book is an introduction to the theory of holomorphic functions of several complex variables. It is based on the courses attended by the students of mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. Its treated subjects range from an advanced undergraduate course to a Ph.D. level.

The book is largely divided into three parts. The first one, perhaps the most curricular, deals with the domains of holomorphy and their characterizations, through different notions of convexity (holomorphic convexity, Leviconvexity and pseudoconvexity) and the Cauchy-Riemann equation. The extension of this matter to complex spaces, known as the Oka-Cartan theory, is the content of the second part. This theory makes systematically use of the local analytic geometry and of the theory of sheaves and cohomology. The last part deals with the interplay between the theory of topological algebras and the theory of holomorphic functions. Some of the advanced results in the field are overviewed, sometimes without detailed proofs, and (still) open problems are discussed.

Giuseppe Della Sala, Alberto Saracco, Alexandru Simioniuc and Giuseppe Tomassini, Lectures on complex analysis and analytic geometry. Pisa, Edizioni della Normale 2006, ISBN 88-7642-199-8, pp. 447,