Current Developments in Mathematics

Current Developments in Mathematics, 2014

David Jerison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mark Kisin (Harvard University)
Paul Seidel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Richard Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard University)
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)

To Be Published: 29 January 2016
296 pages


Papers based on selected lectures given at the Current Development Mathematics Conference, held in November 2014 at Harvard University.
This volume is part of the Current Developments in Mathematics book series.

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Teble of contents

S.G. Gindikin, V.W. Guillemin, A.A. Kirillov, B. Kostant, S. Sternberg (Eds.)

I.M. Gelfand
Collected Papers II

Series: Springer Collected Works in Mathematics

1st ed. 1988, Reprint 2015, XIV, 1039 p.
ISBN 978-3-662-48720-4

I.M. Gelfand (1913 - 2009), one of the world's leading contemporary mathematicians,
largely determined the modern view of functional analysis with its numerous relations
to other branches of mathematics, including mathematical physics, algebra, topology,
differential geometry and analysis. In this three-volume Collected Papers Gelfand presents
a representative sample of his work. Gelfand's research led to the development of
remarkable mathematical theories - most of which are now classics - in the field of Banach
algebras, infinite-dimensional representations of Lie groups, the inverse Sturm-Liouville
problem, cohomology of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, integral geometry, generalized
functions and general hypergeometric functions. The corresponding papers form the
major part of the collection. Some articles on numerical methods and cybernetics as well
as a few on biology are also included. A substantial number of the papers have been
translated into English especially for this edition. The collection is rounded off by an
extensive bibliography with almost 500 references. Gelfand's Collected Papers will be a
great stimulus, especially for the younger generation, and will provide a strong incentive
to researchers.

A. Brauer, H. Rohrbach (Hrsg.)

I. Schur
Gesammelte Abhandlungen II

Reihe: Springer Collected Works in Mathematics
1. Aufl. 2016, XX, 494 S.
ISBN 978-3-662-48756-3

Aus dem Vorwort: "Die Ergebnisse, Methoden und Begriffe, die die mathematische
Wissenschaft dem Forscher ISSAI SCHUR verdankt, haben ihre nachhaltige Wirkung bis in
die Gegenwart hinein erwiesen und werden sie unverandert beibehalten. Immer wieder
wird auf Untersuchungen von SCHUR zuruckgegriffen, werden Erkenntnisse von ihm
benutzt oder fortgefuhrt und werden Vermutungen von ihm bestatigt... Die Besonderheit
des mathematischen Schaffens von SCHUR hat einst MAX PLANCK, als Sekretar der
physikalisch-mathematischen Klasse der Preusischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Berlin, gut gekennzeichnet. In seiner Erwiderung auf die Antrittsrede von SCHUR bei
dessen Aufnahme als ordentliches Mitglied der Akademie am 29. Juni 1922 bezeugte er,
das SCHUR "wie nur wenige Mathematiker die grose Abelsche Kunst ube, die Probleme
richtig zu formulieren, passend umzuformen, geschickt zu teilen und dann einzeln zu
Band II enthalt 34 von Issai Schur im Zeitraum von 1912 bis 1924 verfasste Artikel.

I. Stamova, G. Stamov

Applied Impulsive Mathematical Models

Series: CMS Books in Mathematics
1st ed. 2016, X, 305 p.
ISBN 978-3-319-28060-8

* Offers a description of recent developments in mathematical
modeling by means of impulsive differential equations
* Includes models which reflect current research in biology, population
dynamics, neural networks and economics
*Provides easy access to different constructive techniques in one
source, for research workers in the area of mathematical models

Using the theory of impulsive differential equations, this book focuses on mathematical
models which reflect current research in biology, population dynamics, neural networks
and economics. The authors provide the basic background from the fundamental theory
and give a systematic exposition of recent results related to the qualitative analysis of
impulsive mathematical models. Consisting of five chapters, the book presents many
applicable techniques, making them available in a single source easily accessible to
researchers interested in mathematical models and their applications. Serving as a
valuable reference, this text is addressed to a wide audience of professionals, including
mathematicians, applied researchers and practitioners.

G. Tutz, M. Schmid

Modeling Discrete Time-to-Event Data

Series: Springer Series in Statistics
1st ed. 2016, X, 190 p.
ISBN 978-3-319-28156-8

* Provides the first comprehensive overview of statistical methods for
discretefailure times
* Contains numerous examples and exercises that illustrate the
presented methods Introduces novel methodology for model
selection, nonparametric estimation andmodel evaluation that is
new in the context of discrete failure analysis
* Reproducible data through freely available R codes

This book focuses on statistical methods for the analysis of discrete failure times. Failure
time analysis is one of the most important fields in statistical research, with applications
affecting a wide range of disciplines, in particular, demography, econometrics,
epidemiology and clinical research. Although there are a large variety of statistical
methods for failure time analysis, many techniques are designed for failure times that are
measured on a continuous scale. In empirical studies, however, failure times are often
discrete, either because they have been measured in intervals (e.g., quarterly or yearly) or
because they have been rounded or grouped. The book covers well-established methods
like life-table analysis and discrete hazard regression models, but also introduces state-ofthe
art techniques for model evaluation, nonparametric estimation and variable selection.
Throughout, the methods are illustrated by real life applications, and relationships to
survival analysis in continuous time are explained. Each section includes a set of exercises
on the respective topics. Various functions and tools for the analysis of discrete survival
data are collected in the R package discSurv that accompanies the book.

A. Futaki (Ed.)

Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
Shanghai, China, September 2014

Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 154
1st ed. 2016, Approx. 340 p.
ISBN 978-4-431-56019-7

* Shows recent development in geometry and topology
* Gives access to sophisticated techniques in geometric analysis
* Leads to future directions of research in geometry and topology

Since the year 2000, we have witnessed several outstanding results in geometry that have
solved long-standing problems such as the Poincare conjecture, the Yau?Tian?Donaldson
conjecture, and the Willmore conjecture. There are still many important and challenging
unsolved problems including, among others, the Strominger?Yau?Zaslow conjecture on
mirror symmetry, the relative Yau?Tian?Donaldson conjecture in Kahler geometry, the
Hopf conjecture, and the Yau conjecture on the first eigenvalue of an embedded minimal
hypersurface of the sphere. For the younger generation to approach such problems and
obtain the required techniques, it is of the utmost importance to provide them with up-todate
information from leading specialists.
The geometry conference for the friendship of Chinese and Japanese participants has
achieved this purpose during the past 10 years. Their talks deal with problems at the
highest level, often accompanied with solutions and ideas, which extend across various
fields in Riemannian geometry, symplectic and contact geometry, and complex geometry.