Soares de Lira, Jorge Herbert

Variational Problems for Hypersurfaces in Riemannian Manifolds

Series:De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics
To be published: July 2017
ISBN 978-3-11-035986-2

Aims and Scope

Geometric Analysis is one of the most active research fields nowadays. The interplay between geometric and analytic techniques is at the core of recent remarkable advances in Differential Geometry and Topology. However, the majority of the monographs and books on the subject focus on intrinsic Riemannian Geometry techniques and applications. A systematic treatment of problems involving the extrinsic curvature of submanifolds is still missing in the literature. In particular, up to our knowledge, there are no references joining the geometric and analytic aspects of the theory of hypersurfaces which are solutions of variational problems as it is the case of prescribed mean curvature hypersurfaces. These problems arise naturally in the context of geometric functionals in General Relativity and elasticity theory. This book is aimed to be a comprehensive introduction of the basic geometric facts and PDEs tools as well as to some current research topics on hypersurfaces with prescribed mean curvature in Riemannian manifolds. We also intend to present a unified and simple presentation of classical results on stability, existence of minimal foliations and geometric and analytic inequalities in submanifolds.

The structure of the book can be roughly described as follows: the first chapter presents basic facts on tensor and exterior calculus what fixes the notation and makes the book self-contained in what refers to the geometric language. The main tools of elliptic and parabolic PDEs theory are presented in Chapter 2. Although this is a classical topic our presentation is going to be adapted to the context of Riemannian manifolds. The variational problem we are interested in are discussed in Chapter 3 which also provides a collection of several important theorems on characterization and stability of hypersurfaces with constant (higher order) mean curvature. The mean curvature PDE is studied in depth in Chapter 4 and its parabolic counterpart, the mean curvature flow of graphs, is the subject of Chapter 5. The last chapter concerns higher order mean curvature equations as examples of fully nonlinear problems arising from the geometry of hypersurfaces in Riemannian spaces.

Researchers and Ph.D. students in Differential Geometry and Analysis of PDE may find in this book a compendium of techniques and applications of elliptic and parabolic PDEs to geometric problems. It also provides a structured presentation of some of the most important results in the field of constant mean curvature hypersurfaces. Since it is intended to be self-contained, it might be also used as a reference textbook for advanced topics courses in Differential Geometry and Analysis.


24.0 x 17.0 cm
Approx. x, 290 pages
5 Fig.
Type of Publication:
Geometric Analysis; Geometric variational problems; Hypersurfaces; Mean curvature; Elliptic and parabolic PDEs

Mathematics > Analysis
Mathematics > Geometry and Topology

Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Nicolai Stammeier (University of Oslo, Norway)
Moritz Weber (Universitat Saarbrucken, Germany)

Free Probability and Operator Algebras

Munster Lectures in Mathematics
ISBN print 978-3-03719-165-1,
July 2016, 148 pages, softcover, 17 x 24 cm.

Free probability is a probability theory dealing with variables having the highest degree of noncommutativity, an aspect found in many areas (quantum mechanics, free group algebras, random matrices etc). Thirty years after its foundation, it is a well-established and very active field of mathematics.

Originating from Voiculescufs attempt to solve the free group factor problem in operator algebras, free probability has important connections with random matrix theory, combinatorics, harmonic analysis, representation theory of large groups, and wireless communication.

These lecture notes arose from a masterclass in Munster, Germany and present the state of free probability from an operator algebraic perspective. This volume includes introductory lectures on random matrices and combinatorics of free probability (Speicher), free monotone transport (Shlyakhtenko), free group factors (Dykema), free convolution (Bercovici), easy quantum groups (Weber), and a historical review with an outlook (Voiculescu). In order to make it more accessible, the exposition features a chapter on basics in free probability, and exercises for each part.

This book is aimed at master students to early career researchers familiar with basic notions and concepts from operator algebras.
Keywords: Free probability, operator algebras, random matrices, free monotone transport, free group factors, free convolution, compact quantum groups, easy quantum groups, noncrossing partitions, free independence, entropy, max-stable laws, exchangeability

Table of contents

Vesselin M. Petkov, Luchezar N. Stoyanov

Geometry of the Generalized Geodesic Flow and Inverse Spectral Problems, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-119-10766-8
400 pages
November 2016


This book is a new edition of a title originally published in1992. No other book has been published that treats inverse spectral and inverse scattering results by using the so called Poisson summation formula and the related study of singularities. This book presents these in a closed and comprehensive form, and the exposition is based on a combination of different tools and results from dynamical systems, microlocal analysis, spectral and scattering theory.

The content of the first edition is still relevant, however the new edition will include several new results established after 1992; new text will comprise about a third of the content of the new edition. The main chapters in the first edition in combination with the new chapters will provide a better and more comprehensive presentation of importance for the applications inverse results. These results are obtained by modern mathematical techniques which will be presented together in order to give the readers the opportunity to completely understand them. Moreover, some basic generic properties established by the authors after the publication of the first edition establishing the wide range of applicability of the Poison relation will be presented for first time in the new edition of the book.

Edited by R. N. Araujo dos Santos, V. H. Jorge Perez, O. Saeki and T. Nishimura

School on Real and Complex Singularities in Sao Carlos, 2012

Advanced studies in pure mathematics, Volume 68


Nicolas Dutertre ; Topology and geometry of real singularities 1
David Mond ; Singularities of mappings and the vanishing homology of images and discriminants 41
Le Dung TrLang ; Notes on non-isolated singularities 143
Hans SchNonemann ; Algorithms for primary decomposition in Singular 171
Toru Ohmoto ; Singularities of maps and characteristic classes 191
Valery G. Romanovski and Douglas S. Shafer ? Centers and
limit cycles in polynomial systems of ordinary differential equations 267

Edited by O. Fujino, S. Kondo, A. Moriwaki, M.-H. Saito and K. Yoshioka

Development of Moduli Theory --- Kyoto 2013

Advanced studies in pure mathematics, Volume 69


Igor Dolgachev ; A brief introduction to Enriques surfaces 1
Eduard Looijenga ; Moduli spaces and locally symmetric varieties 33
Nicole Mestrano and Carlos Simpson ; Moduli of sheaves 77
Hiraku Nakajima ? More lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces 173
Iku Nakamura ; Compactification by GIT-stability of the moduli space of abelian varieties 207

Research Articles
Valery Alexeev ; Divisors on Burniat surfaces 287
Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, and Angela Ortega ; Restricted
Lazarsfeld ; Mukai bundles and canonical curves 303
IonutC Ciocan-Fontanine and Bumsig Kim ; Big I-functions 323
Brendan Hassett, Andrew Kresch, and Yuri Tschinkel ;
On the moduli of degree 4 Del Pezzo surfaces 349
Daniel Huybrechts ; On derived categories of K3 surfaces,
symplectic automorphisms and the Conway group 387
JongHae Keum ; Order 40 automorphisms of K3 surfaces 407
Viacheslav V. Nikulin ; KNahlerian K3 surfaces and Niemeier lattices, II 421
KPota Yoshioka ; Bridgelandfs stability and the positive cone of
the moduli spaces of stable objects on an abelian surface 473