Soren Eilers, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark and Dorte Olesen, Department of Applied Math. and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

C*-Algebras and their Automorphism Groups, 2nd Edition

Subject Area:Applied Mathematics
ISBN-13: 9780128141229
Pub Date: 06/01/2018
Pages: Approx 460 Pages
Product Type: Softcover


Expands coverage to identify key results discovered over 40 years of C*-algebra research, including K-theory
Replaces antiquated notation and terminology with modern variants, and greatly enhances indexing throughout
Modernizes coverage of algebraic problems in relation to the theory of unitary representations of locally compact groups
Reveals how to apply results to the modern mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics in Hilbert spaces
Reviews the mathematical accomplishments of Gert Kjargard Pedersen in a new biography

Gunter Last, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Mathew Penrose, University of Bath

Lectures on the Poisson Process

Part of Institute of Mathematical Statistics Textbooks

Date Published: October 2017
format: Hardback
isbn: 9781107088016
format: Paperback
isbn: 9781107458437
format: Hardback
isbn: 9781107088016


The Poisson process, a core object in modern probability, enjoys a richer theory than is sometimes appreciated. This volume develops the theory in the setting of a general abstract measure space, establishing basic results and properties as well as certain advanced topics in the stochastic analysis of the Poisson process. Also discussed are applications and related topics in stochastic geometry, including stationary point processes, the Boolean model, the Gilbert graph, stable allocations, and hyperplane processes. Comprehensive, rigorous, and self-contained, this text is ideal for graduate courses or for self-study, with a substantial number of exercises for each chapter. Mathematical prerequisites, mainly a sound knowledge of measure-theoretic probability, are kept in the background, but are reviewed comprehensively in the appendix. The authors are well-known researchers in probability theory; especially stochastic geometry. Their approach is informed both by their research and by their extensive experience in teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Reviews & endorsements

Advance praise: 'An understanding of the remarkable properties of the Poisson process is essential for anyone interested in the mathematical theory of probability or in its many fields of application. This book is a lucid and thorough account, rigorous but not pedantic, and accessible to any reader familiar with modern mathematics at first degree level. Its publication is most welcome.' J. F. C. Kingman, University of Bristol

Table of contents

Daniel Li, Universite d'Artois, France
Herve Queffelec, Universite de Lille I

Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability

2 Volume Hardback Set (Series Numbers 166-167)
Part of Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics

Product details
Publication planned for: March 2018
format: Multiple copy pack
isbn: 9781107162631
dimensions: 240 x 168 x 56 mm
weight: 1.41kg
contains: 7 b/w illus. 140 exercises
availability: Not yet published - available from March 2018


This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (particularly Sidon sets) and probability. The authors give a full exposition of all results, as well as numerous exercises and comments to complement the text and aid graduate students in functional analysis. The book will also be an invaluable reference volume for researchers in analysis. Volume 1 covers the basics of Banach space theory, operatory theory in Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability. The authors also provide an annex devoted to compact Abelian groups. Volume 2 focuses on applications of the tools presented in the first volume, including Dvoretzky's theorem, spaces without the approximation property, Gaussian processes, and more. In volume 2, four leading experts also provide surveys outlining major developments in the field since the publication of the original French edition.

Table of contents

Author: Henk Tijms, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Probability: A Lively Introduction

Date Published: October 2017
availability: Available
format: Hardback
isbn: 9781108418744
format: Paperback
isbn: 9781108407847


Probability has applications in many areas of modern science, not to mention in our daily life. Its importance as a mathematical discipline cannot be overrated, and it is a fascinating and surprising topic in its own right. This engaging textbook with its easy-to-follow writing style provides a comprehensive, yet concise introduction to the subject. It covers all of the standard material for undergraduate and first-year-graduate-level courses as well as many topics that are usually not found in standard text - such as Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, and Chernoff bounds.

Table of Contents

1. Foundations of probability theory
2. Conditional probability
3. Discrete random variables
4. Continuous random variables
5. Jointly distributed random variables
6. Multivariate normal distribution
7. Conditioning by random variables
8. Generating functions
9. Additional topics in probability
10. Discrete-time Markov chains
11. Continuous-time Markov chains.

Author: Kevin Broughan, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Equivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis
2 Hardback Volume Set

Part of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications

Product details
Date Published: November 2017
format: Multiple copy pack
isbn: 9781108290784
dimensions: 241 x 160 x 56 mm
weight: 1.54kg
contains: 84 b/w illus. 26 tables


The Riemann hypothesis (RH) is perhaps the most important outstanding problem in mathematics. This two-volume text presents the main known equivalents to RH using analytic and computational methods. The book is gentle on the reader with definitions repeated, proofs split into logical sections, and graphical descriptions of the relations between different results. It also includes extensive tables, supplementary computational tools, and open problems suitable for research. Accompanying software is free to download. These books will interest mathematicians who wish to update their knowledge, graduate and senior undergraduate students seeking accessible research problems in number theory, and others who want to explore and extend results computationally. Each volume can be read independently. Volume 1 presents classical and modern arithmetic equivalents to RH, with some analytic methods. Volume 2 covers equivalences with a strong analytic orientation, supported by an extensive set of appendices containing fully developed proofs.

Table of contents